Yeah, so I'm still alive, and still haven't gotten off my ass to post my Oz Trip pics yet. You try sifting through over 1000 photos, trying to pick your favorite ones, editing and resizing the little bastards so you can then upload them onto your photobucket account, on a computer that keeps crashing, when the weather is beautiful outside and all you want to do is lay out in the sun, and get the long overdue burn that you wanted to get while laying on the beaches that you can see in said photos of Australia, that you never got to do because you were being ushered around by a tour-guide-nazi for the entire month.... it ain't easy.
They will come though. Probably in installments.
Overall, life is grand around these parts. The weather is changing (as I stated above in my rant), and I've got a few fun mini-trips planned for the coming months.... I'm taking my mother to the Tofino Hot Springs and staying out in a cool wilderness lodge there for two nights in May, and in June I am flying home to Toronto for 4 days (which I didn't have to pay for) to go to a wedding and I get to see all my favoritest people! Not too shabby. Couple that with finally getting some awesome friends that live close by to me on the island that I want to hang out with everyday, and you've got the recipe for a Happy Hannah Salad. Now, if I could only start making some money... fuck.
Sorry I've been a bit reclusive lately, but there's just too much fun to be had not sitting in front of the computer!