Personality Disorder Test

May 14, 2003 01:10

DisorderRatingParanoid:ModerateSchizoid:ModerateSchizotypal:HighAntisocial:ModerateBorderline:ModerateHistrionic:ModerateNarcissistic:HighAvoidant:Very HighDependent:Very HighObsessive-Compulsive:High
-- Personality Disorder Test - Take It! --

I soooooo have more disorders thatn that. I obviously have multiple personality desorder, since I exist and all. While it said I am schizotypal, MPD and schizophrenia have their differences. Although I must admit that schizophrenia is more likely with my family history though. Oh well, I guess we'll find out in a few years either way (and by we I mean Tom and myself). *Tear*
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