Apr 06, 2006 20:08
I watched Mr. Smith Goes to Washington today. A typical slice of cheesy Capra sentimentality, but I liked it. That said, I don't think I would vote Mr. Smith for senator. While he was yammering about the boys, I couldn't help but be annoyed. Why was there no mention of girls? Do those "inflicted" with double Xs not matter? Apparently so, according to Jefferson Smith. Sheesh.
City Lights, Charlie Chaplin's most famous film, is on its way via Netflix. I love Charlie Chaplin. He's so cute and short and sweet and funny.
I want to see Slither. This want will be fulfilled sometime over the next seven days. You know you want to see it, too. MONSTER JALAPENOS SLITHERING ALL OVER THE PLACE! Sheer entertainment!
Earlier, I loaded a few spoonfuls of minced garlic onto a frozen pizza and threw it into the oven for fifteen minutes. It was a mighty delicious pizza! However, my house now reeks of the magical herb. How can something so tasty be so stinky? Maybe there's some line of reasoning here. I should lick people's armpits just to sense their flavors (which would be like Johnny Cash killing a man in Reno just to watch him die---but less violent). What if I'm missing out on a delightful treat? Gland produce could be the new garlic!