Big Bang Art for "PLAN B"

Sep 30, 2014 08:23

Masterpost (with link to fic):

After reading reverie_indigo's incredible fic, A Lantern in the Dark, I was ecstatic to find out that a sequel was in the works for this year's Big Bang. And I was so delighted to have gotten the opportunity to create illustrations to accompany it! ^_^

I didn't have as much time as I'd have liked to refine them (despite having 'til the LAST day of the posting schedule, hahaha...), but I'm still happy to share these pieces. I may even illustrate some more in the future - the writing is seriously that inspiring!

All my digital painting was done with Paint Tool SAI, but I should add that the architecture in the second piece is from an edited photo, because... I just can't with architecture... >_>' Well thank you for taking a look, and please read the fic as well! Hope you enjoy!

***Tumblr art post: TO BE ADDED (Please don't post my work!)

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