The Even Bigger Wild Adapter Pimping Post

Nov 18, 2005 11:33

Which shall consist of a series of links, including one to The Big Wild Adapter Pimping Post written by myth720 because I am too lazy to write my own summary and character profiles. XD

So first of all, what is this "Wild Adapter" thing you speak of?
The Big Wild Adapter Pimping Post

That's nice. Now what?
Go to Emeraldeyes is a scanlation group that does a fantastic job! And they have the first two volumes of Wild Adapter completed, and I'm sure are working on the third even as we speak. (You can also find the first couple chapters of Araiso Private High School Student Council Executive Committee, the ultimate high school AU! Based on Wild Adapter, and done by Minekura herself!)

Wow! This is really good! But is this all there is?
Well, that's all that's available scanlated. But if you buzz on over to you can find text translations of the first three volumes of Wild Adapter (and the second volume of Executive Committee). And once you're done with that, monkeybarrel was kind enough to provide summaries of all the chapters that appear in volume four. And that's all. But as soon as I find a reliable place to get translations or summaries of the current chapters being released in Chara magazine I'll edit this post to include it.

[Edit] herchuckness has kindly allowed me to link you directly to her Wild Adapter scans! So leech away!

Right. So, now what have you got for me?
Well, now that you've been steeped in the canon it's time for--you guessed it--fanfiction. Wild Adapter is a pretty small fandom, but there are some amazing fics available for it. So here we go!

monkeybarrel (aka kickinpants) - Writes really, really good canon-based fanfiction. Most of her fics are gen-ish, with pretty low ratings. Her characterization is also spot on, and the dialogue is sparkly. She can also be found on The Pit of Voles under the name Timmonsgray. So here I'll link you to her fic that ISN'T on, a couple of the real gems that she's posted on, and then urge you to go check out the rest of her fanfiction.

There Before You Wake - This fic is a little unusual. It was written for a temps_mort challenge--fairytale--and I think monkeybarrel pulled it off very nicely. I love the way she writes Tokitoh, and I can see this exact thought process going through his head.

Cured - Another temps_mort challenge. This time Kubota and Tokitoh don't even show up--rather, the story focuses on a meeting between Kou (Kubota's employer) and Kasai (Kubota's uncle). I absolutely love this fic. There isn't enough good fic out there about these two characters (and--I admit it--I love Kasai-san all to pieces), and this particular fic is fantastic.

Night Lights - Kubota and Tokitoh go looking for fireflies. The author describes it as "like a PWP... without the sex." I think it's cute, and bittersweet.

Untitled Ficlet - This one just about killed me, in a good way. It's the exchange between Kubota and Kasai-san at the end that did it. And don't forget to read the comments for the extra-special omake. *amused*

With Open Arms - A very short ficlet, just a moment in time. Again, I love how monkeybarrel writes Tokitoh.

Accustom - Kubota and Tokitoh make their own traditions. Very sweet, and a little bit sad. Some days Kubota can't seem to do anything right.

Attack of the Untitled Ficlet - This is a little different, but amusing.

Fire Escape - Lots of Tokitoh angst here, with some warm fuzzies (and smut) to balance things out.

Bathtub - Another moment in time kind of ficlet. Tokitoh feels lonely, and takes a bath.

Revenge of the Untitled Ficlet - There was only one choice Kubota regretted that day--he let Tokitoh pick the restaurant. Gen, very in-character.

Now, I really do love everything monkeybarrel has written, but here are a few of my particular favorites from her account.

At First - Five parts, but not a long fic. Again with the spot-on characterization.

The Most Dangerous - I could really see this being part of the WA canon, it's so well-written and so in character for everyone involved. Hands down one of my favorite WA fics.

All Things Familiar - Another of the few fics featuring Kasai-san. I really like Kasai-san's musings on family and the things that bind people together in this fic. And his sudden insight into his nephew's character is great. Just an all-around really good fic.

Secrets We Share - Another of those fics I love for how well it could fit into canon. The characterization and dialogue couldn't be more perfect.

And I'm going to stop there, because it would be really easy to just link everything monkeybarrel has ever written. So really. Take your time and read everything, because it's all good.

And now we move on to the odds and ends I've discovered out there on the intarweb.

Kingdom Come - hydr0phobia
I like the stream-of-consciousness writing, and Kubota's thought processes and Tokitoh's violence, and lack thereof. Very different, and very well done.

I Want Candy - ninhursag
Really, um, sweet. XD Cute, and Tokitoh is perfect again.

First Blow - yomigaere
All I have to say is: Yay, innuendo. XDDD

Obituary - burnein
Kubota reflects. A drabble.

Nightmare - burnein
Tokitoh has bad dreams. Another drabble.

Change - keraha
Honestly, the first part of this doesn't ring true to me. The characterization (especially for Tokitoh) is ever so slightly... off. But the second part is practically perfect, and I wish the author had taken just that bit and run with it a little more.

Monochrome - sapphira_angel
This is pretty good for a first effort. I like how it really points out the differences in Kubota's like pre- and post-Tokitoh using color.

Open Hands - sapphira_angel
This is sweet. Not overwhelming, but enjoyable. There are a few points here that I really like, like Kubota's need and Tokitoh's irritability. And there's a perspective shift at the very end, so watch out for it.

Untitle ficlet - kandykorn
One of the few fics out there involving Komiya. It's just a moment, but I like the shades and echoes of Kubota's relationship with Komiya here.

Fairytale Living - perseid
This is written in a sort of unusual style, or at least not a style you might expect for a Wild Adapter fic. But it's interesting, and I think the author has a pretty good handle on Kubota.

The Air That Inhabits - ranalore
This is a very short fic, but something that you could almost see happening in canon. Very in keeping with Kubota and Tokitoh's relationship, and how they just sort of roll with the punches.

Ulterior Motive - ranalore
Another short drabble, another bit of Kubota's thoughts. It's brief, but I really liked it.

Touch - devikun
I really enjoyed the interactions between Kubota and Tokitoh in this fic. The way Kubota kept asking questions, and just taking things in stride, while Tokitoh kept refusing to answer and getting annoyed--it was just so them.

You - ayatsujik
Tokitoh's had a bad dream. Kubota provides comfort, in his own inimitable way, while Tokitoh reflects. So. Good. And do check out the fanart that inspired it, because calintz rocks my world.

Articulation - louiselux
This is so good. Louise is a fantastic fic writer, and she really captures the dynamics of Tokitoh and Kubota's relationship. There is also smut, so yay! Post-volume 4, with some spoilers for volume 4.

Seventh Heaven - Anthey Oom
This is a speculation on how Wild Adapter will end, and it's quite good. For the record, I don't buy it, but it's still a good, imaginative fic.

Gloomy Sunday - Anthey Oom
More post-WA speculation, with a little bit of Executive Committee thrown in. This fic I can believe, and it's very good. Anthey really has a handle on Tokitoh's voice.

Rain - Anthey Oom
Kubota musing on Komiya, and a little bit on Tokitoh, on a rainy day.

Pushing Frames - JannZ
The first part of this is Fairytale Living, which I already recc'd, but here the author has added two more parts, and the characterization is absolutely spot-on. Her Tokitoh-voice is great.

Small Things - JannZ
Yet another fic speculating on the early days of Kubota and Tokitoh's relationship. This one is really wonderful, and Tokitoh is still perfect.

Kohai - Mikona
A fic about Komiya and Kubota! Fweee! This is a really lovely beginning, and the author has Komiya's personality nailed. This fic feels cut-off, as if there should've been a second part and Mikona never got around to it. Fortunately...

Kohai Part II - Mitsima
...someone else came along and, with the original author's permission, finished the fic. And it's wonderful. Mitsima has an equally good grasp of Komiya's personality, and the UST in this fic nearly killed me. In a good way.

The First Second - Mitsima
This could be a sequel to Kohai. It's set during the time between when Kubota leaves the Izumokai and when he picks up Tokitoh. So naturally, it's very sad.

Bent Horizon - Mitsima
This is a post-volume 3 fic, featuring Takizawa. Fwee! I really like Takizawa, and I really like this fic. It's just a glimpse at Taki, but it's so good!

Rhapsody - Mitsima
This is an Executive Committee fic, but I really like it so I'm reccing it anyway. XP It's a slightly dark look at Tachibana from EC, and it's very well done.

Looking - Mitsima
Just a short fic, with Tokitoh thinking about Kubota and Kubota thinking about Tokitoh. But the style is a little different, and it's interesting.

love-crumbs - ranalore
This is a series of very short ficlets (or drabbles, if you prefer) for the stagesoflove challenge. Each one is a perfect little vision of Kubota and Tokitoh, and the ending is everything I wish for Wild Adapter. Also, the titles are taken from e. e. cummings, which gives me added yay.

Heaven Cries - trensaddiction
Just a little drabble, but a very evocative piece of fiction. I like Tokitoh as a force of nature.

Wild Dogs - untrue_accounts
Gen fic, but almost too realistic to fit into WA canon. Obscurely satisfying, nonethless, and I think untrue_accounts has a good feel for the characters. Also, her OCs are great.

And by now you must be thinking: Does this never end? But we're almost there! Just one thing left, because I couldn't stand not to include it and I am a dork who cannot resist the siren call of the Saiyuki Reincarnation AU Crossover fic. Oooooh. *_*

Calling Sister Midnight, by ninhursag
Part I
Part II: I'm An Idiot For You
Part III: You've Got Me Reaching For The Moon
Part IV: What Can I Do About My Dreams?
Part V: Not My Academy
Part VI: You're Such A Perfect Fit
Part VII: Cool and Warm
Side Story: If You Meet the Buddha, Kill the Buddha
Part VIII: I'm Jealous Of Your Cigarette
Part IX: Don't Push Me, I am Not Okay
Part X: The Marquis de Sade Don't Wear No Boots Like These
Part XI: It's Only Trouble
Part XII: Your Number One With A Bullet
Part XIII: Been Smoking Too Long
Epilogue: Forty Feet Beneath My Feet
Outtake, the second

And that's it! That's everything I've got. For now. Muahahaha.

So I hope we've all enjoyed this little trip through All Things Wild Adapter. The only thing I haven't linked for you is the drama CDs, and I'm not going to link those because my connection is so slow and crappy, we would all die of old age before the first one finished uploading, let alone the second and third ones. Which is a shame, really, because WA drama CDs are the world's most perfect bit of casting. Morikawa Toshiyuki IS Kubota and Hideo Ishikawa IS Tokitoh, and no one will ever convince me otherwise.

For the record, I started this at 8:15 am. It is now 11:33 am. Yes, it really took me that long to compile all these links. So you better appreciate it! XD

wild adapter

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