Why is laundry so hard?

Mar 29, 2017 12:14

No, I'm serious. Let's break this down. Why is it so damn hard for me to throw some clothes in the washer, toss a little packet of detergent in there and then sit and wait for 40 minutes and then just do the same thing but with the dryer and a dryer sheet?

Okay yes, then when the dryer is done you have to fold stuff but??? Once it's done it's so aesthetically pleasing and your clothes smell nice and you don't have piles of dirty fucking clothes just strewn about your room like you're a fucking hoarder. What the heck.

If you saw my room you would think I was dealing with some kind of depression or anxiety related disor- oh wait.

Anyway. I haven't been able to stop watching Bo Burnham's "Make Happy" special. He's so incredibly talented and I feel lucky that I've known that for about ten years now. To break away from this slightly, I always find it interesting how I feel compelled to tell people about my connection to an artist, the one time I made contact with them or how I met them, like anyone cares. Like a person who actually likes the artist I'm talking about wants to hear how someone else got to meet them. As if that's fun for them. Why do I do that??

That said... Bo Burnham replied to my Facebook comments on his page seven years ago and liked my tweet once. How does that make you feel? Are you jealous? Cool, I guess. I guess that's what I was going for, to make people angry that my idolization of a relatively popular comic produced results while their similar but probably less intense idolization of him has not.

I had a strange dream where I became president and married Bo Burnham also which is. Wow. I don't know how that could possibly be interpreted, other than maybe I should stop watching "Make Happy" on repeat.

I feel hungry, and I missed my meds again yesterday. I almost don't want to wait until 5 pm to take it, but I can't keep switching up the times like this. It's better to have consistency in time right? Right?? But there's the possibility that I'll forget again and that would suck. It's a very real possibility though so maybe it would be better to just take it now? While I'm thinking about it? This is precisely the argument that is going to be going through my head all day until 10 pm when I realize I missed my opportunity to take it at a normal and decent time.

I applied for Hogwarts is Home, which sounds fun. I'm glad it was brought to my attention. I really do hope I can be active though I'm not entirely sure what it all entails. I haven't done long-form RP since I was eleven or so with the MagicalHogwarts forum. Brooo, I haven't thought about it in so long but I really wish my characters' applications still existed somewhere because I'd sure liked to read how shitty they were. I mean, they got accepted and I was RPing with teenagers and adults so I guess I held my own but ugh. I was such a little shit as an 11 year old.

I don't think I'll RP but still, I haven't been involved in anything like this is quite some time. We'll see.

The sorting thing (platform-934) is so cool though. I love reading peoples' analyses of me. Everyone has voted mostly Hufflepuff across the board, but I've gotten a couple Gryffindor votes which really surprised me. When I was little, I sorted myself as a Ravenclaw -- only because a was a little know-it-all asshole who thought I was too smart for everyone (it's only half my fault! This is what you get for giving kids awards for test-taking and telling them they're "gifted" for cramming and filling in bubbles correctly while not retaining information).

As I got older and stopped being such a little shit, I really connected with Hufflepuff, but I always figured that if I was a mix of anything, it would be Ravenpuff. Huffleclaw. Pottermore sorted me as Slytherin, but that doesn't mean much when you make three new accounts and answer everything honestly, and get each of the other three houses. Not that I did that to prove that I wasn't a Slytherin or anything. [Disclaimer: I have nothing against Slytherin but I feel pretty strongly that it's Not Me. Thank you.]

So anyway, I just find it really interesting that I've been given a few Gryffindor votes, because I always felt it was the third least likely house for me. Somebody did make a fair point: Being in Gryffindor would help me vs perfectly fit me. Not being courageous/outgoing is one of my failures, but the fact that I consider that a failure does mean I value it; being surrounded by Gryffindors would maybe bring me out of my shell a little bit more. I've never had as much appreciation for that house as I do now, so I thought that was pretty neat.

Still, I have a strong loyalty to Hufflepuff, haha. I'm glad nobody felt I was "pushing" which is good, because I genuinely answered everything and tried to avoid Hufflepuff buzzwords as best I could without becoming dishonest. I think I did a good job since a lot of people mentioned Gryffindor and Ravenclaw both before ultimately voting Hufflepuff.

Is it bad that I prematurely made a signature tag? I just got really excited and wanted to do some editing to see if I still could. I'm no Photoshop wizard -- especially considering I don't have Photoshop and I did this with the in-browser application Pixlr -- but I think it came out well.

I might redo it because I don't like the font so much. I also know literally none of the rules for graphics on HiH because I think all that stuff is f-locked to me still so I might have to redo it regardless, haha.

I think that's enough typing for right now. It's probably been about twently minutes since I wrote about being hungry and I'm still hungry, so I'm gonna get up and do something about that.

Here's to hoping I decide to do the laundry while I'm up, too. (Spoiler: Unlikely.)

bo burnham, harry potter, daily, hih

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