I didn't shower today.

Mar 22, 2017 23:42

There's always tomorrow, I guess? Oh well.

It's been an all right day. I think I've managed to get my sleeping schedule back on track (she says at 11:30 PM feeling wide awake). I may have taken a short nap, but I asked my boyfriend to call me to wake me up and it was honestly the highlight of my day. I didn't actually think I'd be able to fall asleep but I did, so the call woke me up and it made me feel so warm and happy to hear his voice on the other side.

I've been helping my sister tag all her stuff for the consignment sale. I don't know how she does it, just letting go of everything so easily. Stuff she just bought for my niece last year, books that we read to Sarah night after night. I get so attached to things, and it's an issue. That said, Sarah has so much stuff because Kelly has a problem with buying her everything, so maybe it evens out. If I had a kid, I'd buy much less stuff and in that way, I guess each toy and book would be more loved and special.

I'm still struggling to keep my room clean. I don't know what it is about clothes that make it difficult to tackle the laundry, but my room is slowly being overtaken by piles of clothes. I dunno man. Maybe it was all the missed meds. Maybe I'll be OK once it's settled back into my system. When I went to my psychologist, he gave me the prescription and the lady at the desk was starting to fill out my voucher for the pharmacy. I stopped her and said that I didn't need to pick up any meds yet, I still have some. She looked at me funny and asked how much and I said, "About half a bottle." It wasn't until I got in the car that I realized that psychologist appointments are made specifically near the end of your prescription and I basically flat out told the receptionist I've been missing my meds, and often. Oops.

I've been bad at money management recently but on the upside I know have a racquetball racket and some racquetballs, and I'm telling myself it's an investment in my overall health. That said, I just ate some canned ravioli with processed cheese and I've only drunk Mello Yello all day so it's a net negative so far.

Tomorrow will be spent tagging things for the consignment sale all day and it'll suck but maybe I can fit in a bike ride or something.

My boyfriend just went to bed, and I know I should probably get going too. In all reality, I'll probably watch a few YouTube videos until my eyes feel heavy which is definitely healthy and normal.

Good night.


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