"Elphanet, elphanet, what do you see?"-kid reading to me, awww

Jun 15, 2006 22:13

Roseanne is the best show ever. It's probably the only sucessful show with an entirely unattractive cast, and it is hillarious. My favorite quote ever:
"You've gotta give a man his dreams so he won't realize that you're controling his reality"
OMFG, ahahaha.
I'm finally getting paid at Palmer Center, plus I start working at JCPenny's soon, which means money and clothes discount (yay teacher clothes).
I am sick from the snotty-nosed kids. They fool you with adorable demeanors while the plague settles in until it's too late. They refuse to call me "Miss Peaches" now instead of Peach, Peices, Pesses, etc, but they were elated at the fact that, now that I am an offical employee, I am "permitted" to accompany them to the bathroom and, if necessary, whipe their asses. I'm glad they're thrilled, but it is not the highlight of my summer. I do love my children though. They sing with me all day : D
and....happy late birthday to Wiiiyuuull.
Social interaction has been limited due to my disgusting sickness and my normal antisocial ways for the summer. David braved my infestation and we went on a drive. As Sarah would say, awww, how 50's of us. Only her hatred towards boys who know me would cause the "aww" to be left out. I can understand her hatred though, and it's cute when she wants to end people's lives.
I really can't believe that David and I dated when he was 15 and I was 17. Moreover, I can't believe that he's 18 and I'm 20. The worst part is, on a normal basis I feel 17 years old, but when I hung out with him I felt 20. Granted, he acts a lot older (atleast around me, not when he's playing with guns with his friends). From my hanging out with him I found that I have 2 realitively normal exs out of 6. Obviously, I don't ruin lives if 2 turned out okay : P
I want to eat ice cream so much but I know as soon as I get it out Mike'll call and I do most of the talking anyway and it'll melt. Oh, woe, my many problems. I'm finally sending Mike his present for our 1.5 year anniversary that was almost 2 months ago. Luckily, he's almost completely unmaterialistic (but I make up for that). I don't give kudos much anymore but he deserves some for calling me the night he went to a concert and had "boy time," and just calling me every night in general for long periods of time without me having to bitch. Now, if only he was here to dote on me during my illness...
Sarah and Natalie both have birthdays coming up. Damn them. Ofcourse, mine is too, mwahahah.
I wish people didn't pout. Moreover, I wish boys had the "I'll take what I can get" belief more often than the "boohoo, I deserve more" And, this has nothing to do with either boy mentioned in this entry, but I guess it could be ubiquitous.
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