Shinnen Omedetou Gozaimasu!

Jan 01, 2007 22:55

You Are A: Monkey!

Monkeys are intelligent and agile, well-adapted for jungle life as they swing happily from tree to tree. As a monkey, you are a social animal who is quick to learn new things, loves to climb and is known to show off. A monkey's tiny primate features are irresistible, as is her gregarious personality!

You were almost a: Bunny or a Parakeet
You are least like a: Turtle or a GroundhogDiscover What Cute Animal You Are!

Okay, so I'm finally updating this thing. Yay! It is much overdue. And I now have a total of three friends! Double yay! I love you guys. Being the beginning of this year we shall call 2007, I suppose I should put down some resolutions. Here we go...

1. Mail that package to Nozomi!!! I reeaaly need to do that...

2. Stay in touch with my friends in Texas. I don't want to lose them. And with that, get in the habit of updating this damn journal. And my myspace for that matter.

3. Develop a somewhat less eratic sleep schedule. Not sure how well that will turn out, but hey.

4. Read more. God knows I have enough books to choose from.

5. Continue with my Nihongo no dokugaku, which will include finishing digging my way through the interview with Asagi from D. Translating full blown Japanese text is evil... epecially when my kanji dictionary doesn't contain some of the freaking characters.

6. Actually find and listen to some of D's music, which could take a while...

7. Don't fear my dad so much.

8. Write, write, write! I have so many stories that must get recorded...

9. Become more assertive.

These aren't neccessarily in any particular order, just the order they came to mind mostly. I'm sure there are others, but for now I'll start with those.

Not much has been going on lately. All is well at McDonald's. Christmas Day and New Year's Day have got to be the two slowest days of the year. I still don't know how to make sandwiches, but I've seen enough made that it won't be too difficult. I despise some of the people who come through the drive-thru for their oblivion, ignorance, or just plain stupidity, but other than that I really can't complain. People amuse me as they always have, and that includes my co-workers. Steven and Cory have recently learned not to disturb my areas of personal space, for I will hit them. The area from the armpits to the hips qualifies as personal space. Yay. Quote Samantha: "Someone raised you right, Valan. I'm gonna teach my daughters to kick ass."

In other news, I am going to be 19 in three days... two actually. It just turned midnight. I don't really feel older. I remember in AP English IV we read a short piece from the point of view of a girl who said you're every age you've ever been. Even when you're 100 you're 100 and 99 and 98 and every other age. So when you act one way, that's the part of you that's 3 or the part that's 10 or whichever age that you feel at the moment. I thought that was neat.

Well, I would love to write more, but right now I getting really sleepy. So bye-bye for now, everyone.
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