...but I hate liars. I'm not talking about little lies, like your age or home address used to protect your identity online. I'm talking about full-out copying someone's story and then claiming it as your own.
Imagine my surprise when I got home and checked my email, only to find about thirty posts in the same topic on a yahoo group I am a part of. I open the messages only to find that they are not, as I expected, records of the group brainstorming over a story idea but a report that esama's story "King's Jackal" had been plagiarized by this women:
"All works on =
FlurryVIIIFlames deivantART page are Copyright © to Lily E. Edelstein (FlurryVIIIFlames).
Please do not redistribute, remodel, use for commercial reasons, or etc. without direct permission."
"All works on *
iSamhain deivantART page are Copyright © to (*Luna Vendeta*).
Please do not redistribute, remodel, use for commercial reasons, or etc. without direct permission.
Ironic, right? She tells people not to steal from her only to turn around in steal from another author. For those of you who don't know, esama is a much liked and respected author in several fandoms. This includes, but is not limited to: Harry Potter, Yu Gi Oh!, Hikari no Go, and Stargate: Atlantis. It's funny that her account no longer has any mention of the story she stole from esama. Guilty conscious at work, hmm?
esama is pretty mad but who wouldn't be. esama:"I suppose it means that I'm finally good enough fanfiction author when some pathetic asswipe goes and steals my work. I'm not sure if I'm outraged or downright flattered that someone would go through all that trouble, to copy paste all that text and come up with a new title and everything! She loses some points for not bothering to change the summary though - I mean, come on, if you're stealing something, at least have the courtesy of putting some effort into it!
Behold, "Pharaoh's Kingdom" the new King's Jackal!
http://isamhain.deviantart.com/art/A-Pharaoh-s-Kingdom-Chapter-I-203885501?q=gallery%3Aisamhain&qo=1 http://isamhain.deviantart.com/art/A-Pharaoh-s-Kingdom-Chapter-II-203887320?q=gallery%3Aisamhain&qo=0 Lux Aterna my ass..."
She doesn't even argue that she didn't steal the work - she just blocks any related comments and users.
She was reported and the stories removed, but we're concerned she may have other accounts and are keeping an eye on her.