The leading idea respecting Halloween is that it is the time, of all others,
when supernatural influences prevail. It is the night set apart for a
universal walking abroad of spirits, both of the visible and invisible world; for, as will be afterwards seen, one of the special characteristics
attributed to this mystic evening, is the faculty conferred on the immaterial
principle in humanity to detach itself from its corporeal tenement and wander
abroad through the realms of space. Divination is then believed to attain
its highest power, and the gift asserted by Glendower of calling spirits
'from the vasty deep,' becomes available to all who choose to avail themselves
of the privileges of the occasion.
Glendower: I can call spirits from the vasty deep.
Hotspur: Why, so can I, or so can any man,
But will they come when you do call for them?
As the moon hangs high o'er the dead oak tree
Spooks arrive for a midnight spree
Creepy creeps with eerie eyes
Start to shriek and harmonize
Grim grinning ghosts come out to socialize
And then each ghost with his ladye-toast
To their churchyard beds take flight,
With a kiss, perhaps, on her lantern chaps,
And a grisly grim "good-night"
Till the welcome knell of the midnight bell
Rings forth its jolliest tune,
And ushers in our next high holiday --
The dead of the night's high noon!