Just imagine what it would be like if scientific advances had to confine themselves to descriptions using preexisting words. "Quarks" would have been called "little things inside atomic nuclei." "Lasers" would have been "emitters of really tightly focused beams of light produced by stimulating coherent radiation." "Antimatter" would have been "stuff to be really careful with."
Picture a circle so large that if you drove around it at 67,000 miles per hour, you'd reach your starting point in a year. Now picture a sphere with that 93,000,000 mile radius. Yes, you can put a star and some planets inside it.
Humans would call it a 'Dyson Sphere,' after Freeman Dyson, the first human crazy enough to dream it up.
The f'sherl-ganni have built several of these spheres, which they call 'buuthandi.' That word is the shortened form of an ancient f'sherl-ganni phrase... Literally: "This was expensive to build."