Mar 11, 2005 22:26
Good Lord, what have I done? I've gone through that "Add new friends" page (the one that only lets you add 5 new friends at a time) about 4 times, adding new friends willy-nilly. Mostly people I got to know through C.o.E., but a few others I've been meaning to get 'round to as well. And now I'm swamped with friends; I'm pretty sure I won't be able to keep up with them all properly. I hope I won't regret this. I mean, heck, it would suck to have to cut back later on and unfriend people for the high crime of having been one of too many friends!
I've also created a separate group for old friends, reserved for angsty posts. Those of you who haven't known me as long, or who I don't feel I should burdening with whining, or whatever, will no longer have to scroll past those posts to get to the good stuff other people post!
So, if you happen to notice I've friended you & you see this post, Welcome, new friend! I look forward to getting to know you better. Sorry it's taken so long to get 'round to adding you!