Jul 17, 2005 07:38
On wednesday night there was a ginat rainstorm. Sarah and I sat on the windowsill and watched it for an hour. The wind was amazing and it spiraled the raindrops all around. We got pretty wet, but it was so much fun! Later it smelled so beautiful outsiode that I took a walk. I ran into a busker I had seen before,named Bill, and we walked down to the park. We ran into a firned of his and had a beer. Then he and I played frisbee in an abandoned parking lot, until another busker friend of mine, Tim, came by, and joined us. I took a break to run through the sprinklers in the park. It seems 1:30 am is when they get turned on, I need to remember that. Sprinkler running is a favorite hobby of mine!
I've been spending a lot of time reading, it's nice to feel like I'm allowed to relax. The three I managed this week:
Still Life with Woodpecker by Tom Robbins
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Extremely Loud and Incredibley Close by Jonathan Safran Foer, which I finished today. When I finished, I lay it down in my lap and exhaled, "Oh wow."
The kitchen is also clean now. Yay me, and yay not using bad cleaning products. Vinegar and salt for the floor, vinegar and baking soda for the counters.