Jun 28, 2005 01:13
I'm not very impressed with my life right now. I've been getting some work done, applying for jobs, and cleaning, but it seems very pointless. There are greater things out in the world and I feel like I'm to down in the dumps to take part.
Money is driving me up the wall right now, I compeltely emptied my bank account today to pay for supplies, and I still owe the person I bought them from $72. At least I found out that on Wednesday I'll get the check for the art piece I sold. Even that's kind of disheartening though, because after paying for supplies, bills, and a little food, I'll be sending the rest to my dad, and it will be less than half of what i owe him. Grr...I need a job!
I'm sick of school, I feel I've reached a breaking point. I just don't want to be in classes anymore. I don't have an alternative plan, I'm just fed up. I think I'm going to graduate in a year, get done a year early. It's a stressful thought, because I wasn't really prepared to get so much work done in so little time, but I feel that if I stay I'll just be idling. I'm not going to know what I want to do no matter what, so I might as well get it over with. Maybe I'll go into the Peace Corps, I was always interested in that, pre-Adam.
Not to continue with the own note, but last night Sarah and I were watching a movie, and at the end of it I was in tears. We jumperd in her car and went out on the beach, just lay back and looked at the stars. I'm trying not to be jaded, but it's hard.
(Happy stuff!) I talked some more with Logan, and he said that as long as he is driving his car across country Neil and I are welcome to come along for the trip! We'd be driving from one coast to the other,and camping along the way. I hope he ends up bringing his car back to school, I would be seeing parts of the country I've never encountered.
I want to be back in Europe, I would make a great busker.