You dont know me but i have an opinion and thats all that matters. Who the fuck are you to say what people should and shouldnt buy. Fuck you and your self righteous, holier than thou bullshit. You are such a hypocrite. You say dont spend your money on purses and shoes and sunglasses, and then you say its ok for that guy to buy an video ipod. That ipod serves just as much purpose as those shoes or purses or sunglasses if a person wants them. Just because you cant bring yourself to spend that kind of money on something like that doesnt mean you're better than someone who can. I agree totally with the chick above me. Unless you spend your money on something thats helping the community, then your STILL contributing to the problem... only on a smaller scale, awww he cares. Just because you buy cheap shit doesnt make you any less of a consumer. You're still contributing to the college fund of the taiwanese worker who makes your shit. Oh thats right, i put a face on your problem. You see, im a consumer. Im a walking, talking, fucking billboard for whatever company i feel like it, but the difference between you and i is, I KNOW im a billboard, and i could give a shit whether you have whats in style, or whats cool, because im going to wear whatever i fucking feel like wearing. Now if thats the $600 jeans i like to wear, than so be it, but atleast im not a fucking hypocrite. If you hate our species so much, why dont you put a bullet in your head and save the rest of us the mindless dribble that comes out of your uninformed fucking mouth.
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