Dec 12, 2005 17:42
I have a lot on my mind right now.
First off, the last time I worked, everything functioned like it was supposed to. I wasn’t in the happiest of moods because of that. We were down there a very long time. As a matter of fact, some camels went through their entire childhood while I was at work. That usually isn’t the case…at least in recent times.
My room is a mess. It’s not terrible or damn near impossible to get to the bathroom, but there is rubbish on the ground in spots and I need to dust soon. It’s cluttered in most places. Basically, it doesn’t look clean.
California, Iowa, and Texas suck. Ass. So do politicians, in general. Especially those that believe everything they hear on FOX News. If people didn’t watch the “news” on this channel, we may have a decent president in office right now. Or maybe, if they showed more than just one side on every channel, people would realize a few things. Same idea with CNN, although not to the same extreme.
Smokers are idiots. I’m so very glad we have them because they help reduce the taxes I pay.
Ginger was complaining earlier today that we might not have enough money to have the wedding. Somehow, she doesn’t realize we’ve already paid for half the stuff already. And we still have over ½ a year to go before the thing happens. She couldn’t grasp this, apparently.
I’ve been thinking… in reality, the speed limit rules on base (and in general, but I’m focussing on base for right now) are stupid. In some cases, many cases, downright dangerous. If we didn’t post speed limit signs, people wouldn’t look at them, in which case they are taking their eyes off the road and potentially running into a small child. Or dog. Or cow. Same idea works with stop signs and their enforcement on completely stopping. Stopping, as in coming to a complete two second stop at the stop sign. The point is to have the person check all directions for oncoming traffic and pedestrians. Or cows. Whatever might be in the area. It’s not to actually do the whole bureaucracy thing of, “It sounds good, so lets do it! It’ll make me look better!” I say enforce stuff like speeding ridiculously fast over a safe speed in the area, not using your turn signal when you have to, parking in no parking zones, etc. Stuff that makes sense. Quit enforcing the bullshit traffic laws that we have today.
Ahh, the joys of CS 1.6.