Quiet and Introspective (in my own way) (Or, it's been a bumpy week, to say the very least.)

Apr 19, 2014 02:13

In my ramblings and explorations through life, spirituality, and literature, I have come across the following notion a fair number of times:

No one is truly dead as long as one person who knew them in life still remembers them as they were.

Most folks reading this will know from where the sentiment springs.

Sheldon the Just touched many lives. Of the ones I have the most familiarity with, it seems most he touched by teaching dance. Often, in doing so, he was introducing someone completely new to the SCA. Of course, there was also archery, and brewing, and exchequer-related activities. In all things, he was more than willing to share knowledge, or advice, or offer constructive criticism. And all the things he did, he did with honor, generosity, quiet humor and courtesy.

He will be sorely missed.
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