
Jul 02, 2006 00:24

kamp was super awesome. i cant wait to be a counselor next year, hopefully.

in the past, nights like this would have had my mind racing. but tonight(or last night now) got me thinking. about God's grace. [the Lord has spared me from so much. and i owe a lot of that to the accountability/fellowship He has given me.] towards me. and towards others. it got me thinking about how proud i am of certain friends. you go girls. way to be strong. You all are precious in His sight, dont ever forget it, and don't let anyone else convice you otherwise. and remind each other of that fact.

i thought about getting mad. i was shocked, but not really. not surprised much at all, to be qutie honest. i thought about being sad. on behalf of a lot of people. but also for someone who doesnt get it.

and the Lord let me know, "don't get all worked up. trust in Me. give it to Me. just pray".

but then, i opened my mouth to pray, and all that came out was laughter. laughter. it was a sign of healing. total and complete freedom. freedom from bitterness. freedom from lies that the enemy likes to slip in my head. one more step closer to absolutely not caring about what people think anymore. certain opinions weigh less. much,much less. all i can do is say "thank you Lord".

yes, i will sleep well tonight. no medication. just the peace that passes all understanding.
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