Chiba Yudai will appears in Taira no Kiyomori

Sep 01, 2012 09:22

He will be appearing as Emperor Takakura.

He’s the 80th Emperor of Japan who became Emperor at the age of 7. He is a son of Emperor Go Shirakawa (played by Matsuda Shota) and  Taira no Kiyomori (played by Matsuyama Kenichi) is his uncle.

Emperor Takakura will be appearing on September 30th in episode 38.

He looks cute with that style :)

*no wonder Matsuken looks old in this picture (alert: Matsuken's bald!), he becomes Chiba’s uncle! ;p

Btw, this drama have a lot of cutie actors.. but why the rating always down every weeks???!!! ><

sources: mantan-webichigo-kurimu

chiba yudai, taira no kiyomori

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