Back again :)
Last time:
- Coggs became pure cuteness
- Jasmine got preggo again
- Bartolemew and Briony moved out
Aww Kirby still childish as ever :)
She's about 6 days away from elderhood and still plays with toys autonomously.
Another gnome :)
I had no clue how I was getting these, so I googled it... turns out if your Sims successfully woohoo in spring there is a chance one will appear, and my Sims are always woohooing, I may end up with alot of these :3
I forgot to get a labour picture, but meet Caleb Garland.
Loner and Hates the Outdoors.
Spam <3
He's gorgeous... although I still favourite Coggs, sorry Caleb.
Just a FYI - Coggs is a steampunk character from a series of short stories I'm writing.
Ice cream for breakfast? Really Coggs???
Coggs: I burnt my bum last night.
I see...
Abraham: Come to papa...
Really Abraham?
Abraham: You brought us to the festival.
Kirby was the only one who kissed him :3
Coggs :3 I love the egg collecting :)
Belkazar doesn't look to happy about either his face paint, the rain, or finding no egg.
What are you two soo happy about?
Woo :) These are my first sims to ever reach the top XD
And a trip back home for Bailey's birthday.
Bailey Garland
Good Sense of Humor, Loves the Outdoors, Hydrophobic, Grumpy and Green Thumb.
LTW - The Perfect Garden.
She then moved out and I got a pop up saying she moved in with Bartholemew.
Caleb spam :3
Soon followed by Abraham's birthday.
He's getting too close to death :(
What a cute elder :3
Remember that firefly that Belkazar caught, well here it is :)
Caleb again, I like toddlers, they're all cute :)
I've never had this award before.
Belkazar got King of the Dance, and here it will remain for him to be proud of :)
Kirby threw a campaign fundraiser, this is Stefan, the guy Briony was with. I've had no pop ups about her at all.
Kirby raised 61,832.
Another birthday :D
Caleb Garland
Loner, Hates the Outdoors and Lucky.
Meeting of the gnomes, another spring gnome and two normal :)
Caleb took to chess, while Coggs continued to invent all the time.
Jasmine took to completing her lifetime want.
Friends with 15 dogs, so stray dog, your becoming no.1
And yes that's Briony behind them.
Maybe this is why I haven't received pop ups, she's zombiefied :/
Well nice to see EA turning my beloved Sims into zombies, even if it is just for a night.
I gave Coggs a nice light as he continues to invent.
Good gnome protecting Coggs on a full moon :D
And to finish one last birthday :)
What you wishing for Belkazar?
Belkazar: I want to be heir.
Erm... sorry spud, that's taken.
Belkazar: Can I be a Vocal Legend instead?
Sounds like a plan.
Belkazar Garland
Neurotic, Eccentric, Ambitious and Excitable.
LTW - Vocal Legend.
And at this point my game crashed, so this is where I will be leaving it :)
Thanks for reading.