Feb 05, 2007 20:18
I got into University of Florida and if all goes well, I will be attending in the Fall and have an apartment with Christi (and possibly Vinny). I look forward to graduating more and more with each day. My excitment for this summer grows exponentially, however, not without some bitter sweet sentiments as well. I know this will be our last summer. When I say our, I mean the IB senior class as a whole; even then, some of the IB seniors I'll never see again after May 18th (or the 23rd because of my final IB exam). Also, Casey will be going away to University of Central Florida, which isn't too far from UF but it's more than the usual 5 minutes I've lived my entire life; I'll no longer have the convinence of him there. I'm gonna miss him a lot, more than anyone else I'm sure. Also, all of my other friends that I've recently become close with. The majority of them are going to University of Florida but I doubt I'll see them that often, it's just how things are.
I suppose it's time for a changing. I've been asking for one for a while now, and in just 3 short months, it will happen. It's scary.