Dec 09, 2007 17:24
This morning, as I'm getting into work, and I'm about to go up the short flight of stairs leading to the office, a strange man stops me and asks if he could use my phone for a short call. He seems lost and I've already punched in, so I say, sure, and hand over my phone.
He matters a brief thank you, and proceeds to make THREE different phone calls, two of them to yell at the guy he is apparently waiting for, one to update his assistant or something. At which point I'm regretting letting this rude, loud man use my phone. I'm standing there, with my heavy weekend-bag, on the third step, waiting, he stands there, not looking at me, his body language almost dismissing me, making phone call after phone call. As if using my phone is a service I'm supposed to provide him.
After the third phone call he starts to make a forth one. I say - well? He replies - just one more, thanks. As if there was an agreement on my part. I say - I really need to get to my office. He finishes dialing, muttering - yeah, just a second.
Then, and I'm not making this up, this is a true account of the event, this strange rude man calls some woman, does a bit of small talk, and then berates her for not calling him, saying that she should call at least once a month or two, and that if she has a problem she should tell him. He knows everyone's busy, but really, it seems to him this is all one sided, and why should he be the one initiating all the time? It seems to him, that if he didn't call for a year, she wouldn't call for two.
And I'm standing there, gob smacked. It's obvious why this woman is not calling you, I want to scream at him, you're a disgusting pig of a man, and she's trying to dodge your calls, so don't use my phone to call her anonymously so she can't filter you!
He finishes this very inappropriate phone call, hands me my phone (though he gave it a thoughtful look before he did, as if considering a fifth phone call he needs to make), and leaves. No thank you, no sorry. I went up the stares, wanting nothing more than to sterilize my phone.
What exactly is the fuck, I ask?
Poll rude phone-using man