In the past two weeks it seems that every movie I randomly watch on TV has one of the Doctors in it - either Christopher Eccleston (Ninth Doctor) or David Tennant (Tenth Doctor). They are in every freakin thing, it seems. Off the top of my head I remember spotting Tennant in Harry Potter (Goblet of Fire); Eccleston in Elizabeth; and last night I watched "Jude", with Eccleston as the lead, and suddenly Tennant was there as well, for a minute. I'm sure there are at least a couple of more examples from the last few weeks alone. Freaky.
Since I'm on the subject I have to say that I really miss Ninth and am not at all getting used to Tenth :(
Also, the movie
Jude stayed with me for hours after watching it, and all day today. I just couldn't get it out of my mind, especially the ending… anyone seen it?
Anyway, I really love that a movie I randomly watch (i.e. where I know nothing about it, I just sit down in front of the TV, seeing that there's something interesting starting and watch it) turns out to be amazing, and stay with me. I have a few obscure movies that I totally cherish because of this effect.