Hi all,
It's been a while, and I keep telling myself to go back to LJing... I guess I'm fighting a losing battle with my inherent laziness. However -
Since some lovely people seem to think I shouldn't quit LJ all together ("they" keep buying me new accounts every year... freaky!), I will definitely try harder to use this thing for more than just
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can't you just take a look at your work when you start feeling less than confident?
Hmmm... No. It doesn't really work that way, does it?
But thank you for the lovely words on my work. Would you hire me for some design work?
...if i had loads of money and could just get all new stuff? i might actually like that
I know! Buying brand new stuff is the fun part. Though it does stress me out a little, the sums of money I have to part with... but buying the sofa was fun and I'm very excited to get it (today!)
oh, and, stop being a perv and listening to your neighbor's intimate moments! for shame!
If only I had a choice in the matter, Shell!!!!! They are ALWAYS at it! Two days ago they woke me up at 6:30 AM! And tonight at 3:30 I woke up because they ordered take out, and they guy pressed my buzzer instead of theirs, and so when they finished eating and started screwing, I was all woke up. AND IT TAKES THEM HOURS. *sigh*
in that small paragraph, youre all confident and excited and just...you know--feeling good. it's nice!
It is, and thank you for pointing that out to me, I didn't notice what a positive paragraph that was. It's good to know it's a positive thing, even though it's hard and painful.
well...not that i don't *trust* you-or your word on this-but im not gonna hold my breath! *g*
I'll show you, yet!
(but just in case, don't hold your breath anyway ;)
Hugs and loves to you and yours!
Maybe you should send them this...
That article is dead-on, too bad about the unfortunate talk-backs. Maybe I'll print it and stick it to their doors.
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