"The things you own end up owning you" except the really shiny ones.

Sep 03, 2006 02:39

This week I went to the Annual Animation, Comics and Cartoons convention in Tel Aviv, and it was so cool.

First I met Angelmayer, who is a brilliant Israeli cartoonist and his stuff always crack me up. On my second year I was also fortunate enough to have him as a teacher. He is a real sweet guy. I bought his fabulous magazine (you're welcomed to borrow it if you want), and parts of it were so insanely funny and stupid, I laughed out loud and scared the household. See how the guy on the cover is saying: "I donate my body to Science Fiction"? Heh.

Oh, and when I bought the thingie, he threw in a free poster! What a sweet guy!  It's because he knows how much I love this one work of him:

(English people, I'll try to explain the joke. It's a play on words. Buddha's mom is telling him off: "Buddha, you didn't tidy up your room!" And in Hebrew, to tidy up your room sounds like Siddhartha, so... yeah. In Hebrew it's funny and witty, ok? Shuddup.)

Anyway, see, he signed it: לשירי *לב* מאנגלמייר 2006" " (to Shiri *heart* from Angelmayer, 2006), and on the bottom left you can see "תחי באפי!!" which means "Long live Buffy!!", because he knows I love Buffy :)

Also on that great afternoon, I went to a lecture by the guy who was the producer of the Yellow Submarine and actually met the Beatles and stuff I can only dream about. If you read Hebrew and are interested in The Beatles, go read my review of that lecture at the Beatles Forum @ Nana (which my sis moderates). BTW, if you do read Hebrew and interested in the Beatles, you should be a regular at this forum, anyway.

But, the best thing that happened that day at the convention was that I bought a GRAPHIC TABLET! And I've been dreaming about getting one for months, but they were always way too expensive. But they had a booth at the con, and the cheapest one there was only (pfff… only…) 600 shekels, and that's 100-n-something shekels less than the cheapest one I've ever seen, so I said, what the heck. It's a professional investment, damnit!

And I bought it! And already it's worth every shekel it cost. I love it, and have been fooling around with it (not like that, you perve! Well, okay, a little bit like that...), and made some stuff which I'm still trying to convince myself to share but anyawy… love it.
Here, look how pretty it is!

It needs a pet name. Any thoughts?

photos, posters, design, love, tel aviv, animation

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