May 28, 2006 03:40
If I've been having some impure, none-vegetarian thoughts lately (ok, and occasionally even acting on them. Just a little bit) - last week's Queer Eye totally cured me of that.
I'd cut here, for some gruesome animal-abuse moments, but my computer is dead and I'm using my sister's, and there's no Simagic on here, and I have no clue how to LJcut the long, hard way. So... suffer!
Ok, so, The Straight Guy (TSG) was supposed to make his girlfriend a lobster dinner. Ted had taught him to "kill it - the humane way" - and yes, that would be a quote. How do you kill a living, breathing, moving, flailing lobster - but, the *humane* way - you ask? Why, you take a huge knife, stick it in the poor thing's BACK, and slice quickly in the direction of the BRAIN. Try not to cut yourself, and bon appetite.
If you thought it was fun so far, wait for it. TSG picks up the lobster. He picks up the knife. He makes the first incision - that's when things go ALL WRONG. TSG botches up the operation. The creature doesn't die like it's supposed to. It flails helplessly, a knife halfway between its back and its brains. What does the now panicked TSG does? Does he cry out "I just wanted some fancy free clothes! I didn't sign up for this brutal murder of innocent, kinda gross, life"? No, he does not. Determent to make the dinner work, he grabs a claw, and yanks. Why, yes, he did just dismember a living thing, using only his hands. The lobster, by the way, is still flailing, only now with one less body part.
During all this, the "Fab Five" are in their nice decorated penthouse, drinking their fancy drinks, shrieking and screaming and hiding their faces. I'm doing the same, only in my crappy Tel Aviv apartment, and planning to never put anything in my mouth ever again. They are truly grossed out and horrified. But not to the point of editing this horrific moment out of the episode so as not to subject me and others to this unbelievable display of cruelty and stupidity.
So, yeah. Anyway. I'm never eating meat again. Or, possible, never eating, full stop.
(though, probably not, on the whole "never eating again" bit)
ETA: My first poll! Because you have to poll something, sometime.
Poll Lobster Poll