Picspam + reaction of Doctor Who S5: The Big Bang

Jul 18, 2010 18:20

Amy/Rory love
These two were incredibly cute in this episode. I adored the way Rory chose to protect the Pandorica for 2000 years to compensate for almost killing her. It was such a brave thing to do and really helped to strengthen their relationship especially when Amy found out but thought he had been killed. Which made their reunion in the museum extra cute!

fjirjgtiortyho, they are too cute for words.

See what I mean?!

I love this montage, I think it portrays their relationship beautifully. They were both waiting on the Doctor and in the process found each other and the parallel is really cute.

The Doctor
Matt Smith needs to be applauded for his fantastic portrayal of the Doctor, he really has made the role his own. I especially love all his little quirky guestures and hand movements. Eleven has very quickly become my favourite Doctor.

This scene has me in tears everytime. Often the Doctor is usually portrayed as the 'hero' of each episode and the simplicity of this scene really highlights his vulnerability in this situation by undermining the bigger problem and focusing on the Doctor himself. Truly heartbreaking to watch.

Amelia Pond
This girl is awesome, I especially loved her dialogue with the Doctor and the parent/daughter relationship they had. Also loved the way she refused to believe that her 'raggedy Doctor' wasn't real.

Miss Pond is not impressed by the Doctor's antics.

So. Fucking. Cute.

Sexy, sexy men
So not only did we have Rory in a guard's uniform this episode but we also had the Doctor wearing the sexiest suit I have ever seen. I also loved Amy&Rory's wedding outfits, they were gorgeous. I'm really hoping that the fact they were wearing these outfits at the end of the episode means that they will be wearing them for the entirety of the Christmas special. It would make my life.



Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey
Steven Moffat, you bloody genius. I am forever thankful to this man for making this the first finale I have absolutely adored since Nine. I don't even know where to start, but I loved the fact that this series had an entire arc that was established in the first episode and then built upon to create a spellbounding finale. I loved, loved, loved the use of time in this episode especially the idea of incorporating the other episodes in the Doctor's timestream at the end. For example, we see future!doctor (I so knew it was him!) in Flesh and Stone and again the Lodger. I also loved the initial idea of the Doctor leaving cryptic messages for Amelia Pond to make sure she met him in the museum, it reminded me slightly of Blink, and was a really clever technique to draw the watcher in right at the start of the episode. Most importantly, perhaps, it was wrapped up very neatly, something which I feel has been lacking from previous finales.

Something old, something new, something burrowed, something blue.

What a shocker this scene was! Slap bang in the middle of the finale, and Moffat had us all on tenterhooks, when the Doctor from the future appeared to die, in front of everyone. This scene really helped to highlight the fragility of the Doctor as with history falling apart it really did seem for a moment that the Doctor could do nothing to stop it. I'm guessing that this is also going to be the way they explain the change in the Doctor's costume for next series.

- Parallels
I really love the way Moffat has used parallels both in and between episodes. For example, the comparison of Amelia sleeping right before the Doctor steps into the crack and Amy Pond waking up on her wedding day. Not only was the comparison beautifully done but it really helped to improve the transition from one scene to the next and really made the whole thing flow. I think that was really important for an episode with such a complicated storyline. An external parallel was the dialogue between Amy and the Doctor right before he flies the Pandorica into the TARDIS which beared resemblance to a conversation they'd had at the end of The Beast Below. It was a really lovely way to show their mutual relationship and was really touching.

Amy/Eleven are absolutely adorable.

I didn't actually notice this immediately but the scenes match up perfectly, and the colours are just beautiful.

- Beautiful editing & special effects
I loved how pretty everyone/everything was even when the Universe was ending. It totally explains where all the budget went and with good reason.

Team TARDIS for the win. And look at all the gorgeous colours, the special effects when it comes to scenery, the villains and just the characters themselves never cease to blow me away with their beauty.

- River Song
I have to admit I've really enjoyed her performance in the past two episodes despite hating her prior to this. Mainly because she emerged more of an individual and equal to the Doctor rather than the annoying 'Spoilers' bitch we've seen in previous episodes. Its really refreshing to have some-one who maintains that kind of relationship with the Doctor as opposed to the traditional 'Doctor - companion' relationship. She almost seems like the 'Hyde' part of the Doctor, in the sense that she is as clever as he is but she also has a much darker side. I mean, daleks are scared of her, daleks?!

River Song is a BAMF. Haters to the left.

- Fezes are cool
Do I need to say any more? (;

This is so cute and I think it captures the excitement and enthusiasm of the Doctor very well.

OK, so I ship Amy/Eleven as well as Amy/Rory so idk how to feel about certain aspects of their relationship. However, having Amy come onto the Doctor having literally just married Rory just felt wrong to me. What made it worse was she did in front of all the wedding guests there. It completely undermined their relationship and made Rory seem more like the gormless idiot that Mickey was, which I really don't feel does his character justice. I mean this is the guy who protected her for 2000 years, risking his neck in the process. Way to make a man feel loved. Another thing was this completely contradicted other aspects of their relationship that we've seen and the inconsistency of their relationship bugs me. I love Amy's character but really feel the way she treats Rory can be very selfish so I really hope that changes next series. Note that this was just a small niggle for me though and not that much of an issue.

Bitch please


All in all, a fantastic episode, loved it from start to finish.

Feel free to comment below with your thoughts (:

reaction, doctor who, the big bang, picspam, series 5

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