(no subject)

Oct 01, 2008 19:57

Your horoscope for October 1, 2008
Today much of your mental energies, and possibly your physical energy, are likely to be directed towards career matters. You might find yourself re-evaluating your goals and ambitions, bunny, and possibly considering other possibilities. The desire for additional income might be the catalyst that gets you going, but there's more to it than that. This is definitely a good day to give thought to a number of options. By this time next week, you might have actually made a few decisions.

another scarily accurate one. i have an interview (finally) with the owners of fred astaire dance studio here in madison next tuesday, so yes, by this time next week, i might actually have made some decisions. it doesn't help/hurt that the fact i work with my new boyfriend means we can't actually make the fact known. it's fucking annoying, is what it is. not to mention his behavior as of the past few days has been confusing, to say the least. for instance, tonight. he called me on his break at work, mentioning we should change out statuses... statii... whatever, on facebook, because facebook is a big fat blabbermouth, to just leave it blank, because we're getting a new assistant manager in a week or so and if he finds out we're seeing each other, one of us will have to transfer. that right there is what's fucking pissing me off. why?? we never work together, if i get this job at fred astaire, i'll be working mornings and afternoons only during the week, he closes. would our relationship affect our job performance? forcing one of us to transfer would sure as hell fucking affect MY performance; i'd quit and let him stay. fuck it. i like my job, i like him better. what the fuck?? it's not like it's a strip joint or something! fuck! fuckitty fuck fuck fuck. aw duck sauce. but anyway, conflicting behavior. he called, mentioned the status updates, okay sure, let me get back to sleep. he calls again five minutes later, suggesting we go swing dancing, maybe get a group together and go out as a troupe or something, just to help me practice. WTF?! that's fucking sweet! goddamnit! sigh. no, i know the first thing is to protect both of us, but the circumstance is less than idea. he really is a good guy. my mom even likes him, too. they bonded over the clarinet at dinner the other night. i don't like having to hide the fact i like him. but hey, he's a musician, and he can swing dance. can't be all bad, right?
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