Were you born... on May... fourteen?

May 02, 2007 13:32

And because I'm bored again, another screen capture ( like last time) of upcoming birthdays. I wish you guys could forgive me - I'm merely bored, thanks to a hot summer, and nothing to get busy about.

Like March, May is a birthday-a-thon. Jana celebrates hers today. Then Cuyeg tomorrow. Then Ariane the next day. Come to think of it, this month is more bountiful - and the month's just begun.

Okay. So let us assess the list.

+ Katia. I've greeted her, yes. I almost forgot this, admittedly.
+ Maita. Sure. I'll greet her. The only question is how.
+ Danica. Hrm. Sure I would.
+ Maybelline. (Yes,
slantrhyme, this is her.) How also remains a question. Why I added her is yet another one.
+ Kim. Oh Kim! I just edited the title of my entry for you. I did remember texting her that Joey is wearing a polo and a pair of shorts in an otherwise cold studio.

If anybody wins that darned birthday game... I don't know. For sure, foshizzle... eeek.

Come to think of it, we don't get treats when your birthday falls on summer vacation.

Last-minutes: Mara finally added me on Friendster. After, like, eight weeks? Now I have two hundred friends, and she holds the unlikely distinction. Eeek.

More last-minutes: Maita apparently is turning another decade. She doesn't look like it, though. But why am I pointing this out?

blogging with screen captures

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