Feb 06, 2004 13:01
Hey you guys!
Guess what?!?! Today we got out of school because it rained to much! How great is that? You wanna know something even better? We were suppose to get our progress reports today. I was going to have to leave school early today anyways. I am suppose to be leaving at 4 to go to North Carolina so I can go SKIING! I'm so excited. I'm going with my Youth group, who is awesome! I went last year to but I was sick then and it wasn't the best trip. This year I'll be flying down the slopes laughing at the people I pass. I'm SOOOOO excited and I just can't hide it! Oh its great. Now I have plenty of time to get everything packed and ready to go for later today. So thats what I'm going to go do. Pack. I'll talk to you guys Monday. TOODLES!