Greenman Tire Recycling Corp

Apr 29, 2006 09:50

     I told my boss, "I put the bills from that load in the Greenman folder in my drawer." He was fidgetting with the papers behind his desk. I'm pretty sure he wasn't trying to get any real work done because his light was off, and with the blinds closed it was too dark to read. Although, I'll admit his son was standing at the end of the desk looking over his homework, so I it might not have been as dark as I thought.
     "Oh, OK," was his only response. I decided now was as good of time as any.
     "I'm moving." He stopped fidgetting and looked up at me with a way that can only be described as 'heart attack'.
     "Oh?! That's sudden!"
     "No, not really, I've was thinking about it for several months, and I've been working out the details and planning for the past two months. And I'm giving you three weeks notice, so the nineteenth of May will be my last day."
     "Wow, so where are you moving to, Atlanta?"
     "Oh, goodness no, I don't like Atlanta. I'm moving to Bundang, South Korea."
     "Will you still be working here?" the son asked.
     "Sure, I'll commute eight thousand miles everyday."
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