(no subject)

Jun 08, 2009 01:45

*waves at the LJ world* And we're back, live from Beth's bedroom after a however long hiatus, during which I got bored completely with my old journal and decided to make a completely new one. It's a much better fit, anyways. I'll play around with customizing things around here and hunting down the LJs of everyone that I stayed in contact with ... well, everyone that I stayed in contact with who still has an LJ. Maybe with a bit of prodding I can get Skye, Sujin and Blu back on here? Hrm.

But for now I feel very silly since I know I'm just talking to myself to fill up space and get rid of that always awkward first post. I hate first posts.

It's late. New LJ, I'll clean you up in the morning. You have a couple of icons at least. That's good enough for now.
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