You're Egypt!
Curator of ancient mystical secrets, your life on the surface is fairly
typical these days. Though you are in denial about more things than most people.
Nevertheless, you're trying to convince people that you're safe despite your more
volatile and unstable times that seem to be behind you. You like cats a whole lot.
You'd probably really appreciate
The Blue
Country Quiz at the
Blue Pyramid My brother give me awesome quizzes.
Its a busy time, what with me in the final throes of taking finals. Only the big mama ahead of me on Monday: Organic Chemistry. Ugh. But away with that thought for now.
I have done decently on my exams so far, at least judging by my mental state when I left them. I spent hours upon hours in the print studio cranking out about 21 or so various prints of my last project, and made an atrocious portfolio to house them out of duct tape, masking tape (the duct tape ran out), and cardboard shipping boxes. Classy, I know. I should get an A just for that! I think that I spent over 26 hours in the space of 3 days in there... or somesuch ratio of business. But I have tons of pretties to hoard or give to people. Yay.
This weekend/week was great. Its all a studying-induced, sleep-deprived blur. I got to move some stuff back home, hang out with Ian and mom, visit the animals and the house, and generally relax. Aside from the time in the printshop and studying that is. After my cellular biology exam on Tuesday, I crapped around the rest of the day and brought a load of stuff back to the house. Wednesday morning, too early, I had to wake up to bring more back so that the car here wouldn't be ticketed. I groggily drove back, unloaded, and then attempted to take a nap in mom's bed. Bad Idea. They have the alarm clock from hell, an archaic box with no noticeable way to turn it off. While trying to set it, I turned on the radio accidentally, and could not then figure out how to turn it off without turning the volume down (which didn't help either). I spent way too long yelling at the box and trying everything I could to turn it off, and my nap was ruined. In a fit of frustration and sleepy rage I gave up, and called Ian and told him that I was going to sleep at his house, since he didn't have an evil alarm clock. He kindly volunteered to drive back to Chapel Hill for me to do the errands I was mumbling sleepily about, like get the parking pass from Emily so that the car wouldn't ticketed when I went back later, and getting Teri a job application from Jordan Lake. I felt bad sending him off on my bidding, so we compromised, and he drove us back to Chapel Hill, we got the pass, unloaded stuff, and returned to Apex, where I promptly fell asleep on his bed while he went off and did his own stuff. I have no idea how long I crashed, since I was making up for several nights of 4 hours or less of sleep, but next thing I know I was blinking and waking up to the sound of Ian playing guitar in the other room. He sang me songs and played for me before he had to leave to go to work. Ian is the best for dragging exhausted frustrated groggy me back and forth to Chapel Hill and letting me flop in his house all day.
Thursday was spent studying ... yeah right. I tried to... but it didn't work until about 9 or 10 at night, and it then turned into me doodling on my ecology notes. Dragons playing with their toes then convinced me that I should go to sleep, so I set my alarm for 4am - so I could finish studying all that I had missed (it was 2am)- and I promptly woke up at 7:15am, with my exam at 8am. Go me. It ended up not as bad as it could have been though. I hope.
Now I've wasted away a day staring at the walls in my room, playing online, and helping Detra move some of her stuff out. Its sad, the suite is getting empty and everyone is going all far apart! No longer will I be able to dance down the hall 5 feet to say stupid things to Teri and Kelly and Detra. I won't be able to roll head over heels into Becky's room to say the random crass things that come to my mind. I am going to go do something though... Who knows what.
Music of the moment: Long Black Veil - Dave Matthews (covering Johnny Cash)
p.s. - thanks Terikins for the wonderful mix CD, I love you! "I'm jealous of your cigarette"