Name: Corey
Personal Journal:
AIM/MSN/etc: z0mbicid4 on aim and feel free to poke me on plurk at z0mbicid3
Name: Ciel Phantomhive(Western order)
Canon: Kuroshitsuji
Timeline: Titanic The very beginning of chapter 61. (So manga-verse here! 8D)
If playing another character from the same canon, how will you deal with this?: This is only to be used if are already playing another character from the canon you are applying for. For example, if you are apping Mario and you already play Princess Peach in the game, how will you handle their interactions without playercesting? Depending on your answer, you may be refused the character you are apping for. Non applicable c:
Hah, the best question is where do we begin to describe this kid's personality? Just a note, I'll be stealing a few particularly well written lines from my
vatheon application. Words are mine, I swear. <3
Ciel Phantomhive ... is warped. And he has every reason to be, really! The thing to understand most about Ciel is that nearly everything he does... it's all in the name of revenge. Revenge for his parent's murder, revenge for the brutalities he faced during his month-long capture, revenge for the reapers who took his remaining aunt from him. Keeping this in mind will make him much more understandable.
Ciel comes off as a cold-hearted, independent, orphaned child, who has taken hold of his family company at an extremely early age. He can be extremely manipulative persuasive, often using his demon butler Sebastian as an intimidation tactic. He even comes off as heartless sometimes, claiming that whatever action he takes, be it for the Queen or his own personal interest, it is for the overall goal of revenge for his family’s murder.
He is more than capable, however, as coming across has a happy and easy going individual when in the company of certain people, particularly Elizabeth, his betrothed. Or particularly, the circus folk, who give him the circus name of Smile. It is merely an act though, used to get information on missing children. When on his own, or investigating with Sebastian, he reverts to a more callous and calculating state, often being insulting to those close to him. For the most part, and especially around strangers, Ciel upholds the ‘I’m in control of the situation’ attitude. Though it has been seen that he does panic more when the situation becomes out of control and he is without his demon butler. This does not happen very much in the manga. However, in the anime, Sebastian leaves Ciel for a brief period, in which Ciel becomes all but useless.
Even though this, Ciel is... somewhat honorable. When possible, he does what is most right, morally, and yet what would also benefit his position the most. He tends to be able to find this middleground thanks to Sebastian most of the time. ... Except for... that one circus arc where he's put in the same room he was held captive and nearly sacrificed to some black god to. B-because that time, he ordered Sebastian to kill a looooooot of people and burn the place to the ground. Y-yeah, that was one of those out of his right mind moments.
Speaking on Sebastian, the boy is simply useless without him. He can hardly properly dress himself, can’t cook, trusts that others will do his bidding if they are paid, and in general, has no defense without the demon. (As stated earlier, this does not happen often in the manga. And most of the time Sebastian isn't there, it's on Ciel's orders.) He has ordered Sebastian to never betray him and never leave his side. This boils down to a couple of things: one being Ciel is completely spoiled. Two: he doesn’t want, nor need, to be alone, as he gets into unwanted trouble. It has been shown that he does care for Sebastian’s well being (Like when the demon is injured by Grell... And then later Undertaker.) and is even comforted by his presence (Asking Sebastian to stay with him until he falls asleep. This is another one of those child-like traits that comes forth when he is on his own.)
A quick note on their ... relationship. Ciel sees Sebastian as his most useful chess piece. Sebastian sees Ciel as dinner. The two are, obviously, cordial--if you can call Ciel's bratty, spoiled behaviors cordial. But most importantly, the contract they hold makes them BLAH BLAH CONTINUE THIS.
The traumatic experience that Ciel went through with losing his parents has caused him many problems in his personality. First and foremost, his views are extremely jaded, and he tends to act like more of an adult than he is. The boy is only thirteen years old, and his childhood was literally stolen away from him at ten. Even still the inner child does come out from time to time. Ciel tends to get rather huffy in certain situations, especially when someone has pointed out his child-like behavior or appearance. Or he’s insulted. Or he’s picked up and carried… Okay, let’s make this simple: he gets huffy. He also tends to play very subtle pranks and jokes on Sebastian from time to time (Trying to snap a picture of him with a cursed camera, barking when Sebastian says he dislikes dogs…etc.). He also has a vast knowledge of the company and its products, mostly from happy childhood memories.
A few other random traits about this kid... Ciel is needy, even though he doesn't think so. He detests spicy foods, but adores sweets and is often spoiled by them. He has asthma, inherited from his mother. He is allergic to cats, even though his butler adoooooorres them.
First Person: [When the pocketwatch feed turns on, it shows... A wel agitated Ciel. Not only had he spent the last hour trying to figure out where the hell he was, but this ridiculous watch! It seems like he doesn't realize it's recording, as he stares at it, murmuring out a grumble every few moments about how utterly ridiculous this situation was.]
What sort of messed up joke is this anyway? [Ciel grumbled, crossing his arms--yes, that means the view has shifted to show part of the side of his head and ... brick wall, it looks like.]
Where the hell is that bastard anyway... Tch, some butler. [Finally, the feed moves again as Ciel stands up.] I'm done with this game! This is an order! You come get me now!
[The situation was honestly beginning to freak him out, however, Ciel would be throwing on the 'I'm in control of this situation' face as best he could. He was an Earl! Who had faced more than just death before! This should be nothing to him! Tch!]
Third Person: Coming back into a state of consciousness was... Interesting to say the least. Especially considering the Phantomhive boy had no recollection of this. Where he was, but a few moments ago in his memory, on a sinking ship, being saved once more by his butler; he was now... on a train. Where he was surrounded by reapers on said ship... there were none here. And finally, where he had been cradled from impact in the demon's arms... he was nowhere to be seen.
It took him a few moments to analyze each difference and finally let the realization sink in. There was something very wrong. The water from the sinking ship still dampened his clothing. To this, Ciel turned his nose upward. How distinctly annoying. It had been the jerking motion of the train that had snapped Ciel from his 'slumber' so to speak, and finally, it seemed it was coming to a halt. Crisp evening air was he first thing to greet him as he stepped off the train, alone and tense, and glanced about this abandoned city.
Where. The hell. Was he?
"Sebastian.." he called out softly. Hnn, the demon could find him, no matter where he was, and the softest call would summon him. Ciel had little doubt the butler would not find him. Certainly he was close by. What was there to worry...? Oh, right. Showing up in an odd, near abandoned looking city. That's what. This certainly wasn't the hustle and bustle of London. And the air smelled.. much older and cleaner than his England home. The architecture, though similar, had subtle differences...
It would be now that a moment of near-fear passed over him. This was quickly stifled, and the boy clenched his fist. "I've no time for this complete nonsense! The game is over. Sebastian, take me back home!"
Sorry Ciel. You'll be stuck here a while longer~