Sep 11, 2005 22:58
I already posted this on my space but I'm not sure if I can save my blogs there so I'm posting it here just in case cause I wanna remember this one.
K so today the power went out at work so there was a ton of deli workers and we really had nothin to do so we were chillaxin and wandering around. One of the guys from the deli comes back from a stroll and says we need to do facing. I had nothing better to do so I thought I'd lend a hand. A few of us from the deli are all in the same aisle making the shelves look all pretty and chatting as we work. Wyatte(from deli) just finished a section and was looking for the next shelf to attack so he was standing there looking. Well miss priss fake'n'bake blondie from front end sees Wyatte apparently nothing and bitches at him "Facing involves moving your hands! Seriously! Bob is going to get so pissed off at you!" We all snicker quietly cause that really came out of nowhere and we were scared she was gonna hurt us. We could have been chillin in the deli, but being the kind people we are, we thought we would help out. So about one minute later, we're back to stacking cans at the front of the shelf, being the jolly deli folks that we are, and someone cracks a joke. For the millisecond it takes for Wyatte to step back and have himself a chuckle, miss Nazi storms down the aisle and starts up again "That is enough! I asked was for you to face! Its a simple task! Move an aisle over! You're distracting people who are actually working!" So Wyatte quietly walks to the next aisle. As our superevil supervisor walks away she says to herself, "It was a simple request. And I was clearly speaking English! God!" Speaking English? I'm 99% sure that she was speaking Bitch. Seriously, we didn't have to be helping. Why doesn't she take out her sexual frustration on people from her own damn department. She needs to get laid, really, really badly. Quit bitching at my boys you big jerk! I actually used to think she was an alright person. My bad. For you guys working up in front end, I'm sorry. I didn't realize it was that bad, and you guys get it all the time. You have all my simpathies.