
Dec 20, 2010 16:33

There is something about tattoos that I've always found mesmerizing. Tattoo culture has always peaked my interest. The hows, the whys of the tattoos that people get, the stories behind them are so interesting to me and I find myself always wanting to know more. I think that's always why I loved watching shows like Miami Ink (I HATE LA Ink but I think that's because I can't stand Kat), I like looking at the art that people pick to put on their body and hearing the reasons why they decided to get them. Tattoos are personal, they give you a tiny window into the personality of the person who sports them.

OFF TOPIC - I also find certain tattoos on men, extremely utterly mind numbingly sexy. - a tattoo on a shoulder blade is enough to make my knees go weak. A sleeve, when done right (see: John Mayer) can cause my stomach to drop. As long a they are tasteful, represent something and aren't just for the hell of it, I find them sexy.

Anyway, back to what I was trying to get at. I got my first tattoo at 18. Four of my good friends from high school had given me a card for my birthday with cash and a note that said "Now you have to do it, no more putting it off." They had known for a long time that I wanted tattoo and they thought I'd never do it on my own, so they gave me a little push. It worked. Two days after my birthday, just when I was old enough to do it without the premission of my mom, I went and got it.

On the right side of my lower back sits a music note intertwined with a heart. I knew as soon as I saw it that it was the tattoo for me. A tribute to my love music, a tribute to the impact it has played in my life. I love it, I love that it's so me and I love that I was able to really truly express myself through my tattoo, I love that I'll never get tired of it because music will never go away, it'll always be part of my life.

Immediately I was bit by the ink bug. Almost immediately after I started with a desire to get another tattoo and in the almost ten years since, and against the advice of my mom who was sure I'd grow out of it, I haven't stopped wanting another one.

It comes up every few months, my desire to get inked again. I've hemmed and hawed, I've changed my mind a dozen times. I still want to get two stars tattooed on my foot - one for my father and one for my grandmother, both who have passed and who have had an extreme impact on my life. Because of them and the role they played in my life, I am the person I am today.

Why stars? Well, I have a tiny obsession with them. I wear one on a chain around my neck. It reminds me that there is a light out there, shining over me, even when I can't see it. I'll get that tattoo eventually, I know I will, but lately I've been thinking about another tattoo that I want which runs along the same theme of "The Light".

Most of you who have gotten a chance to know me know that I have a slight obsession with a certain lyric from a JM song. It's my user name, my headline on tumblr, it's pretty much a motto for my life.

Keep Me Where The Light Is.

Gravity is one song that has rocked my world since the first time I heard it. Even now, when I hear those first few opening bars I want to weep at the beauty of it. Those six tiny words mean so much to me. They push me forward, they give me strength. When I want to give up, they tell me to keep on going.  I never thought I'd be the type of person to get tattooed with lyrics or a quote. I never wanted to be one of those silly fans who did something like that. Tattoos are forever afterall but this is about something besides John, this is about the words that have guided me forward and the more I think about it the more this seems right. I want this tattoo...I want to be able to look down and see that advice printed right on my skin. When I feel like I can't go on, I want to be able to see it there plain as day, unable to avoid. resting tiny and beatiful against my hip - Keep Me Where The Light Is.

I think I finally may have convinced myself that this will be my second tattoo. Now I just have to go and get it. :/
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