Sep 03, 2003 18:21
motion machines: tyayagyahgahahahhahahah hummmmm
motion machines: um
motion machines: hnynynynynyn
XunbrokenbondX: hahahahaaha
motion machines: my yh and n feel really weird to type
motion machines: nnnnnnnn
motion machines: hh
motion machines: nnnynynynnyyn
motion machines: n
XunbrokenbondX: nynynyyynynynynynnyny
motion machines: its nuts
XunbrokenbondX: hyhyhyhyhyhyhyhyhy
motion machines: haghahha
motion machines: ZINNNNNNNNNNGG!!!
XunbrokenbondX: its fun to just type...
XunbrokenbondX: asdf;lkj
XunbrokenbondX: ya know..
XunbrokenbondX: "home row"
motion machines: as;ldkfj
motion machines: whoa we almost typed the same thing
motion machines: asdlkfj
motion machines: well
motion machines: i suppose there arent many options..
motion machines: hahahaha
XunbrokenbondX: you forgot the SEMI
motion machines: w/e
XunbrokenbondX: haha
XunbrokenbondX: well you can go..
XunbrokenbondX: asdfjkl;
motion machines: ;okjasd
XunbrokenbondX: or
motion machines: ;lkjdsa
XunbrokenbondX: asdf;lkj
XunbrokenbondX: ;lkjasdf
motion machines: a;slkhg
XunbrokenbondX: jk;fds
XunbrokenbondX: hahahahahahaha
motion machines: HEHEHEHEH.
XunbrokenbondX: we are cool
you may be asking yourself what the point of that was.
truth is, i have no idea. sure made me laugh though.
shut up brendan leonard IS funny and i wish i had his life. and that egg thing was hilarious. lizzie mcguire makes me want to barf now. hilary duff used to be my idol, but it turns out she's really stupid. well, i can't have a stupid idol. ill just go back to britney.
today was stupid and boring and i honestly believe i'm dying. oh well.
everyone that goes to school instead of hanging out with me can eat ballz.