Hello there, I suppose introductions are in order. My name is Van Hohenheim, and I am from the "Fullmetal Alchemist fandom," I suppose. Though I suppose that only makes sense that I am from the place that is named after my son, but that is neither here nor there. I have been around for quite some time, however, so I know a few of you, mostly those who interact with my son. Ah, for those who are unaware, my son is Edward Elric.
upyourscolonel I'll apologize now for some of the things he says and does. I assure you, he means well.
As I've been around for quite some time, I've been browsing this internet, this form of technological advancement being quite foreign to this world, and also rather wonderous to a man of my age. As such, I've been trying my best to adapt myself, but have yet to understand certain things I come across. In the interest of scientific study, I will more than likely be presenting things I don't fully grasp that I tend to find on the internet in hopes that someone might shed light on them. Ah, I would greatly appreciate any help in this endeavor, as it's been rather tricky trying to become accustomed to the many things that my son has grown up with and adapted to so quickly.
With that said, I have had this image saved and collecting dust on my desktop for quite some time.
I have been told this is known as a "demotivational poster." But. I'm not quite sure what the devil I'm looking at. Edward. what are your thoughts?
But I suppose I am being rather long winded, so I'll say that it has been quite the pleasure to meet you all.