Feb 06, 2005 16:49
Really bored cause theres nothing to do...
Im sure everyones out partying cause its superbowl sundayy but i think im staying home to do nothing
The weekend was okay..
Friday was basically the only really good day besides having to work until 6, but after that me lauren alifrank nicole jenn and cara all got together at the skating rink..we met esty, alex, steve and jeff there which was fun..then most people came back to my house except jenn and lauren (her mom was being annoying)and we all hung out..turns out barbara came through and let Lauren come over to chill with us finally and she ended up sleeping over. everyone left at around 12:30 and Lauren and i went to sleep at 3
Saturday me and lauren woke up and laur wanted to wash her jeans but being spoiled girls, we have no idea how to do laundry haha..We basically just soaked laurens pants and then put them into the dryer not realizing we put it on the wrong setting so it took forever for them to dry...then we went to the mall where we saw millions of people we knew and then met up with esty and christian..we hung out for a little but then i had to go and babysit two little devils from 4-11 and i almost died..it was also kinda sad cause alex and gavin showed up at the mall right when i left and nicole and alifrank came sometime after i left..I hate babysitting, esp these children and dont plan on doing it again haha
Sunday is now and im just sitting here doing basically nothing..i baked a cake with my mom and just finished frosting it and i also took a shower..wow my life is so interesting haha
thats all for now
im so surprised im updating my journal, this is kinda exciting but no1 comments so w.e
<3 MiCh