May 21, 2008 01:05
Today wasn't boring, yay! Woke up at 10:30 to Kat banging on my door, then hung around for awhile before running some errands. I now have my euros (very surprised they didn't need to be ordered, but maybe because it was a larger post office the amount I wanted was no big deal.), more contact solution (small bottle obviously) and sunscreen! And I got the sunscreen way cheaper than the drug store was charging, yay! Stopped for lunch since I was out of food and then came back. Hung around the room for awhile before going with Emma and Dom to ASDA. Then pretty much hung out with them the rest of the night. We did go to Wetherspoons for a bit before wandering back. It was fun.
And it's getting late-ish, so I should go to bed.