(no subject)

Oct 23, 2005 04:45

You don't appreciate me...ever. I've done so much for you and have seen nothing in return. You called me perfect you wanted me to be yours, what happened? After caring about you for 7 years, you ignore me and give me none of your time. You treated me so badly my first year here and I don't know if I can really say I forgive you. You haven't made it up to me. You haven't hung out with me more. You haven't done all that you could to show me how much I mean to you. This whole second chance thing isn't going to work unless you are willing to talk to me, express HONEST feelings, and compromise.

I know I'm a friend but after I've done so much, I deserve more from you. You've never even called me beautiful or told me how much you appreciated me coming out here. You're being blind because you have the best in front of you and you're about to lose her if you don't find a way to change things. You know I would give you anything in this world to make you happy but you must not feel the same at all. I mean maybe this friendship should just stop and a couple years down the road we can run into each other, share a drink, and laugh about all of the drama we've been through...but now more than ever I need friends who are going to make me feel like something. I'm trying to lose weight I'm shedding the WV bubble I've been in my entire life. I'm being molded to be the girl I'm going to be the rest of my life. The point I'm trying to make is - you have the choice - you can be a part of my past or you can step up and be a part of my present. I am tired of the drama but it's always going to exist until you're able to fix things and in order to do that you need to talk to me to see what's wrong - there's not always going to be things wrong but at the moment there's just so much that hasn't been said that needs to be. I want to hear some things from you otherwise I'm leaving. I know I'm worth more and don't deserve to wait several more years for respect.

It's always me doing the work to keep this friendship alive. You're not calling me, messaging me, visiting me. I'm still extremely mad at you for not staying a tad longer to talk to me. If you can't even find time to be a friend and talk, then I can't find time for you either. I understood that you had to get up early but the way you brushed me off was really rude. You doing that justified all that I feared - that you don't care about my feelings and are still just using me for your own pleasure at your convenience. I would like for you to prove me wrong on this. But, I honestly don't see you attempting to make me feel better because you don't care enough. Please find time tonight to call me or message me so we can get the conversation we need to have over with so we can make the right decision.
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