Jan 03, 2006 03:37

HELLO 2006, GOODBYE 2005. [you were good to me!]

OKAY, soooo. It is the 3rd day of 2006, and I don't feel any different [ yes...almost the same lyrics from DCFC, but not quite] but really. I don't.  Usually, every year, I feel offbeat, or a little bit "mis-matched" but not this year!  It's super hard to explain whats going on, but I don't know!  It doesn't even feel like the new year has arrived.  It's pretty scaryyy, and I don't know what I'm gonna do wiff' mah'selfff!!!!
I spent the new year in Houston, Texas with my dad, step mom, sister & her BF.  Too bad Graaaaageeee couldn't come! agh!@!!! I WANTED HIM TO
sooooo SOOO soo00ooOO00ooo baddddly to come though.  My goodness! Ohh weelzzz, maybe next yearrr!?! MAYBE. 
Well, as I was thinking about this post, i pretty much came to the conclusion that I need/should/want to post people that have meant a lot to me the past yearrrr.  And some of them i miss dearly, and my heart died a little when i was looking through pictures of  what seems AGES ago, but than again.  It feels as iff it was just like, yesterday d0000dddd!!!!!!! But, i love those times, and i loveeee all these people ohhh so much!!!!   And would "take a bullet" for them!!! OHH; LYKE MOST DEFF!*(~)&@~!!!!!~@#~!#~!_(69!~@*&)~!!
ps. i left a lot of people out, for many reasons. Mainly cause i didn't bother takeing any picture of them. sorryyryryryryyyaeeyayyyeyysorryyy:'[!!!!

so why don't you niggerzzzzz cheeeackkk these picture out eh eh eh eh eh !?~?!?@!?~?!?!?!



GAHH. i love/miss this girl more than anything. !!!

fatt333zzzz! yah right!<3<3!

loveeeeeee mahh; main niggg jake!!!

dohhh; i miss Sir. Chadwick :'[!!!!x696969696969696969696969!!!

alexas sooo hott right now! [sorry ..sidewayzzz! live with it, aye!]

awh, i miss jabe!!!

AWHHH; i love this one of jabierrrnautier&jeff RE:

awh; what a WONDERFUL night. spent with kristen! & Sir. Brock!!!!!!!

ca$$$h is SOO HOT; SHES ON FIAH'!!!!

same with alyssalove<3!

i<3jeneeerrzzz&lah'quuuefffahhh!!! ;](bryceysysyshairisfreakingshort!)

omgggggeeeee; i miss tytytytyty sooo unbelievably muchhhhhh. comebackfromhighland;aznterd!!!! :[

i'm so darn rediccccc;bro!!! look at my scenegalorious frekaing hair my goodness! blah!

IT'S OKAY..I GIVE YOU GUYS PERMISH. TO PUKE/LAUGH [at this]!!!!!! causei already have given my fair share of that already!!!!!

i love this pictorial of jar jar!!!! :] 000oo00OO0ooo rainbow braceletttt! feggg <789 dayyamn you fine!!!!

,mmmm....something corporate/straylighttt run concerttt! gawwh; i love these 2 more than the world itself.!!!!!


yesss, more ca$$$h&lexshierrrrrr at dah' bowwwwlwlwlwwwing allayyy , bro!:]

ilookfreakingranciddddd. i looked like this llike all fugg'n lasstt yurrr! :[ bummerrrr !

me & lexxx on our way to dahh' buzzzzZZzZzZZZzzz! aghahaha.we'resoghetto/awsome on occasions!!!!~@~#~! :D!


i love this native new jersierrrr!! she's BEAUTIFUL!!! & she has an awsome new yawk/new jawsayyy accent! hehehahahahohohoho. :]

me & jack jack:]!

lil' prest prest striking his seee-ductive pose in my frontghetto YARD! AWSOME DUDEBRO!

me slayiiing charl charl:]!

lets all pwn n00bz; you nubsauce!!!!!!

yahh. dass' right. huff the snake all over dah' placeee ; negro face!

sup fattie Mc. Fat fat!?!

thatzzz right. exactly. holler at yo' momma!!!!!!

awww this cute boiii sang me some love songs by ben folds & took me to qt alot & to the over pass at 2 am during the summerrrrrrrrrrrrr<3 & now he's in utah & i miss the CRUD OUT OF HIMMM SO BADLY IT HURTZZZ!

MR. SCENE KING! thiss fellah' can bust out dah' t00nz on the piano; like you'd NEVAH knowwww! i <3 mikel! ps. if you're reading this, i miss our grilled cheese you know what! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. i <3 you p00n face:]

awwwh. this kid made my day; everyday. he was one of thee most AMAZING people i've ever met!~@~! & i hope he has a WONDERFUL time on his mish:D!!!!<3X2

i like this kid. he is neat & he is from peuertoratro rico!!!!!!!!!! which izzz TYTE; yo!

scr1ptur3 budd4y f3r lyk3 464Z!~#~!!! denton is amazingggg at everything he does!!!!!

TEDDWERRRRDTH!?!?! shedierrr scaredoughhh!?!?! BUT DID YOU LIIIIKE EEEEEAT!? WAZZZ IT WEEEEARTTH EEEAT?!!?! kookiep00fz loveezz zyou; you know i do!!!! :]


steven downey is my SOUL MATE 4-R34LZZZZ!!!:]!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

awwwwh. good tymezzz with toddd!! we bust out to gwenstefani/12step!!!! he's so tyte; niggg:]!

kryzztal is so sweet! she's beautiful toooo!!!!!<3!!! i hpoe you're reading this kryzztal; i hearttt you 2 death&&&stufflykedat!!

best 2 sisterzzz, EVER! they mean a lot tooooo meeee!!!! hahah. the notorious p.i.t. gahh! amanda; you're so amazing!

jezzzikaaa iz my thuggywuggy! haha. cr33py. sorry. i <3 you.

YESSS! BRO.D!!! you are like my second father!!!!!!!!! i love youuuuuu & the amazing house you once lived in....:[ and how you called me jazzzzzz. you are the only one that could pull that offffffffff.

yeahhhhhh. i take a lot of gayyy pictures! STFU & STICK IT UP YOUR BUTT! YAHHH! EXACTLY! 420.

2 cr33pzzzzz in a mirror shottt! HELLO MYSPACE.COM!

i don't know about you; but i think this girll iz beautiful. and i wanna ride horses with her some more!~! i miss you darccccccccccce ka barssssssse:[

yesssss. the cuzinzzz!!!!!!! he'zaqt! good times over the summerrrrrrr. :]

awwwwhhh. i just love my cousin soo much! he's soo adorrab. :] whitietiightttie. !

i know i know. i'm awsome/sexy/thin/that skirt looks way good that high/i'm super tan & i have thee most awsome face EVERRR LYKE WHOA!~&*)(~!@!!!. you guys don't have to tell me!!!! i already know.

CODY. is probabbbaly my favvve of all time! && danggg; honay! look at dem' legggz! bizzamn! bikeriderprodawg.!

my cr33py neighboor freind who has a crush on my mom! jk...not really.

playing with the cute kiddies! this picture was taken right before i raped them. yeah.


stranglin' dah muhhhfuhhhguh!

awhhh. 4th of july & i spent it with thee most amazing person. yeahhhh. EVER. no questions or answers about it! yah. exactly.  i love him with my heart & my crotch. ;] hehe. playboi.

ps. this picture speaks for itself! yah. you liek it. you want some more of it! okay. f me in the a.

the place that gave me life over the summer. thank you soo much, qt. you were there for me when no one was!! i owe my life to you! or atleast my virginity.

gahh. i look so chubbzzzzzzz. i really am not like that. i'm FATTER! kidding. but really. look at that! siq; d00d!

hahaha. me TRYING.......bold it. TRYING. eh. maybe put it in color & underline/italicise TRYING to be somewhat cute. oh well. i'm used to failing at thingzzzz. oh weelzorz.

he's gonna be the babys daddy! hahaha. i love jo jo! he's so dirty though. go back to mexico; hoe<3!!!!

carson me daniel, jake? oh yah he had to go home. & steven ....PROBABLY looking at games or something. at the midnight sell of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yayyyy!!! it wazz tyteeee. such a wonderful night. soo wonderful. :] i love alll of these kidzzz.

awh. this picture is probbably my favorite , ever. moroni is pretty darn amazing. & he's a cat whispererrrr. hess indian; f00! he can pretty much do anything with nature he wnats to!!!!!

this picture is great. i love it 2 deathhh. yah; thats right. "2 death" hah. tyte. :] white teef. <3

i tottaly racked up my scene points at that jOIIInt. camo shirt + big glasses=666 points! hellzyah!!!!! [ps.this is in NEW YORK. my fave placeeee:D]

steven. STRIKING A POSE&BEING GOOD AT IT; TOO!!!! whataqtttwithab00tayyy:]

sissywissy&fattie at the beachhh! yeee-uh:]!

uhh---just forget that i ever showed you this picture. kkthankzzbi.

idon'tknowww. me probably being a lil' siss n' dutch shoes at the beach!!!

me; trying to be cute, pt. 2!

lil' steve steveezz zpartay! dillon, mikel [sex] & faniel! yeee-uh!

elcZoRz &JAAAzzzorz!!! yess!

yesss! love me some nikki geeee & adamdang...FINE!!!! :]Xa lot.

me and lil' steve steve; probably bumpin' to some rammmmstien &/or atom&hispackage. yayyy-uh!

this picture; how else can i put it; makes me wet my pantz a little bit.

i'm going to bite off...something!!!!!!!!! goodbye lil' steve steve:[

mmmmmmmmm. so seductive; so little time! ps. look through lil'steve & grage! HEYY; SUP ELC!? NO YOU AREN'T CR33PY AT ALL! why'd you even freaking think that!? you weiirrrdo:] haha.

hey myspace!!!!!!! whats up girls!?!??!! <3<3<3 hawt33z lyke omg.


SWAMP chad smells wonderful! get that hand outa' yo awwwmpit! i love you!

AJ pwnz noobz at table tennis? ping pong? ehhh. i don't know.

you want a piece of us. us kit kat barzzz yayuh.

LOVE ALL 3 OF THESE PEOPLE! even the backround ones too! but especially the girl in the light green! in the middle! she be tyteeeee; YO!

nickkkwiener. HEHEHAHAHOHOHOHOHOOHOHO.:] we go pretty far back in the dinosaur tymez; but we will go forth to the robot tymez! yayuh!

this kid is sooo neat! i think i cr33ped him out though...bummerXcore. :[

so close; yet. SO FAR AWAY! just a lil' bit more & you'll be there!!!!!!! hawt.

awwwhzorz; moroni lookz like a g00b......

this picture is PRICELESS

     LIL STEVE STEVE & GRAGE break'n it dowwwwwwwn to kansas? i cant remember. dook dook :'[!

pocohontasis dad being extremly SEDUCTIVE in lil' steve's shorts! mmmm breakmeoffapiece.

i look like i was crying? or sweaty.i think i danced for like a minute. so i probably was VERY sweaty.

they like to broaden their sexual expierences with different type of genders. male on male. yesss.

awh. this picture tearsss me apart. i love it dearly. <3

i took this pictorial; you clitorial! & yes. it's at costa vida!!!!! day before moroni left. :-\

kudos to ryne forrr theee picccc!!! & i don't know. we're cool? yeahhh.

eehhh...i suck at photoshop. shut it; or i'll go midieval on yo' assetts; niggah!

jazmyn. you are so myspace sometimes its sickening! ewh.

shuuuuupt feggg!?!?!?!

ahhhDAMNNN!!!!! Hhahaha. such a ball of g00f ! i <3 himm responsably? mmmhmm!

AWHHH! DAN! IZ DAH MAN!!! & i llooiiveee him :]!!! [sayy loive in an australian accent. awsome huh? okayy.]

ryan long hair rockz the boat that i sit on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1E>!

i wear thisss shirt TOO much!!! thanks buffaloe x-change for suppllying me withthe same clothes that i wear like every other day..!

hahaha. b33b. jax bash looks like hs 2 6/9!

faniel. being seductive; as ALWAYS!!!! ;]!~! BWAAJAAJAHAHA TAHAHAH!

enjoii what? COCA~COLA!?! noope! copeland! yesss! thanks Mathew J. Barcus for supplying me with such wonderful things!!!!! <3!

HAHAHAHA. LIKE FATHER/LIKE DAUGHTER! my sister is giong to kill me.!

that bird like; freaking SCALPED ME! but i liked it. in a non-sexual way. shut up!

i never look good in pictures. i always manage to look somewhat down-syndrome. agh!

this proves my point! ice-sk8ng with mi'padre:]!


freaking grage. soooo oh oh oh b33b. i <3 him!!! you know i do!

i'm tottaly levi-d out!!!! chubby Mc. Chub Chub!!!!

i don't know....were. i mean...HES cuteeeeeeeeeeee. all the time <3!

hellz yah! awsome points for looking down syndrome while WoW-ing it up!!!

ADAM. LOOKING EXTREEEEEMELY THUG!!!!!!!!! strayte frum dah' bronx; bruthuh!

me. TRYING to look cute; pt. 3! gahhh! when does this stop!?!??!

i gave yo momma & grandma one of these!!!!!!!!!!

i don't know. i guess we're cute ; sometimes!?!?!? :D. hes soo lovelyyyy. :]


I WISH THAT WAS A PIZZA. or something. :-\

visiting my dad up in texASS. san; antonio to be exactt! it was tiiiiight. i look like i jsut arised from the dead. sooo cute.

they don't waste anytime; now do they !?!

daddy & angeelaaa&jXXX


bubblestobubbles!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm scared to wear a swimsuit:'[ hahahahahhaahhaahahah. HAHAHAHAHAH hahahahahahahahhaahahahahahah. okay i'll go eat some more food.

wow! whuddd'yah know!?!?! i'm eating!!! suprisement!

gunnerhea&me, back in my scene deazzz!!! yes!

i love me a butt load of rynerz:]!

no. my cheeks not THAT fat. i am eating something; i thik a jolly rancher. gosh!

i don't know. i should be on playboy or something.

scene days. AGAIN!!!!!!! my goodness. ps. i love chels...& uh. chels!!!! [imissyougirlzifyoureadthis<3!]

lil' k porn!!!! i lvoe this girl to death. she will always be my numero uno nigggahhh!!!! where you at girl!? letzz hang sistah!!!!! :]!

sup random picture infront of MTV building!?!?!

me & my cuzzzin are neat sometimes. i like this picture alot! don't you!?!?!??!!

SCENE DAYS AGAIN!!! YESSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i look kindof tan? not really. stfu. :'[!

yesss! see those hearts!?!?! those are from me!!! mikel & jewwwwwwz .. mayan. they iz amazzzzzzi'n!!!!!!!!!!!!!<3<3:]!

matt <3's centaurs! as do i!!!!!!!!!!! i love this boi.

homecoming. SOOOO tyte. hey; look; its adam! youre so hott. & my date! grage. he's foine!

this indian is calling for the eagle!!!!!!

awhhh. greg looked sooo amazingggggggg my goodness!

this one is just for kicks/for you guys to LOL at my face!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

my goodnesss. that was SUCH  a long picture post. i probably would have made it longer! but i'm sooo unbelievably tiredddd!!!
thank you to all you amazing people.
for being in my life! i love you all so dearly. and i miss a lot of you. come back to me ; pleaseee! it's killing meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. you know who you are ! or maybe you dont. i love you guys. YAHH. EXACTLY.
LOVEEEEEEE; JAZZYYYYPHIZZZZLEEE:] ps. better post next time. i'm too tired toooo thinkkk my goodness! it's 5:13 am!!! GAH! NEED SLEEPY!

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