
Jun 12, 2011 14:13

Found this really old photo of Ollie (deceased) and Misha sitting on our screen porch. One of those... married for too many years/too much close proximity moments.

Sick. Tired. Was supposed to go into the city today but I just cannot take the 3 hour commute into Brooklyn today. No, sir. Did a lot of gardening instead.
Work is going really well. I have a lot due at the end of this month but augh, things look so good. I'm really excited to see how this book is going to look in another month or two. I'm glad it has taken so long. I've developed a lot since we started this project. Glad I have the chance to redo these illustrations. Hilariously, fan art has actually really improved aspects of my rl artwork. I'm not sure things are supposed to work that way....

Blew through True Blood to catch up for the season premiere and am working slowly through White Collar. So many suitsssssssssssss. This post has no purpose besides saying hello.

gardening makes food, rl, work, what is this place, where am i

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