no kangaroos in austria

Dec 11, 2006 13:11

Its too hot. I tried to make an origami box and failed. I am sick again. Dr nathan has been sufficiently and professionally medicinally therapeutic. I have not had the energy to write a full complete update on my life lately, for which i apologise.
So much is happening in my life since last update. I am working at two garden centres an average of 5 or 6 days a week, so i can afford another trip at the end of the year. No i havent paid off my credit card debt yet. Shut up.
I am getting sick of canberra and would like to move within the next six months for a short period of time. Just to check it out. I think i got over it. Canberra is a beautiful city and i would love to settle down here one day - it's clean, green and has heaps of urban green space. And when i was a bit younger i would have said many times how boring it is that theres nothing to do blah blah blah but i guess then you just hang out with friends instead of a club or event. And if you have your ear to the ground, canberra has plenty of events happening every weekend. And what better place to get a career?! Surrounded by national park and... ok so this isnt an ad for canberra.... i spent the good part of yesterday at the carillion on lake burley griffin and as i watched the fluoro sun set through the smoke from the bushfires i came to this conclusion. It is a small place and you cant go anywhere without bumping into someone but that can be good. If i go to parties alone with nathan i always bump into someone. That or make friends. its a life experience. Lets back up here. i just said i was getting sick of canberra.... and there are rivers. I would kill for a swim right now. I am sitting here sweating my arse off in my underpants. And i have to walk up to the doctors in an hour at the hottest part of the day.

Can anyone else smell victoria? I love the smell of bushfire... but it is scary and intimidating to see the sky darken and the sun go red. Pretty though.

I met Cathlyn yesterday. Gold star to me for not losing my head! Of course i was a bit awkward at first but she is actually a nice girl. Kinda felt sorry for her. It sucks that she was dragged into this. Glad i looked nice. Then nathan dragged me out and forced me to drink 6 cranberry and vodkas and have an awesome night. When i shouldnt be drinking. Naughty boy. Love him to pieces though.

I think i'll go to the beach tomorrow.

Another cold shower's in order. ta ta x
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