Feb 17, 2005 16:21
today was a fucking weird day
well, the afternoon anyways
i hate this
i went to marys basketball game last night, it was cute.
didnt get home until nine thirty but whatever.
and i was on the phone with aaron till really late.
but i wasnt tired at school today, which was surprising.
mrs reilly was such a bitch to me today.
during volleyball at gym she kept yelling at me.
and then shse was bitching at me during spanish.
i cant stand her.
im going to be a great-aunt . . . LMFAO
and over vacation . . fergy, stephie, and me are going to walmart
we're just going to hang out there all day
and be idiots, and turn the place upside down
and then we're going to fergys to watch some movie
i cant remember the name
but MJ said it sucked, but oh well, whatever
i cant wait
i better go change out of my stupid uniform
and go get some food or something
call me