btw, just noticed the top line on your blog (about the banana)...
and sleepy is good (I managed to slip today - scraped knee and hand, pulled leg, hit a traffic light with my boog - it hurts - no sympathy at work... as long as I can type)
Oh noes! I'm sorry to hear that! Oh, and has your foot improved since... when it happened? Not sure when that was actually, last week? I think this is just a bad time of the year, accident-wise...
then only use them for as long as you need and then move on to lower strength... but they woudn't have prescirbed them if they didn't think they'd help
I would feel like a prat, but I'm taking these opium-tablets (at least, that's what I'm calling them...) so I can't feel anything, except from sleepy.
and sleepy is good (I managed to slip today - scraped knee and hand, pulled leg, hit a traffic light with my boog - it hurts - no sympathy at work... as long as I can type)
my managers refer to me now as a 'disaster zone' - unfortunately way too true
(I'm somewhat worried about these tablets... In the leaflet it says that prolonged use may cause addiction...)
and I so am...
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