28: fan fic { the west wing } : "for the love of pie [2/2]" [josh, toby]

Dec 05, 2007 19:57

title. for the love of pie [2/2]
author. nv
fandom. the west wing
characters. josh lyman, toby ziegler
genre. gen
rating. pg
warnings. none.
word count. 100
challenge. "writer's choice" for drabble123 ( table)
previously. [ 1 ]
feedback. is the reason i do this.
disclaimer. the characters and canon contained herein are the property of aaron sorkin, as well as any associated writers, producers, networks, and parent companies. the following was written by neur0 vanity. no copyright infringement is intended, and no profit is being made.

Toby looks up. “It’s three days until Christmas. If your shopping’s not done by now, you’re an idiot. The terrorists don’t give a damn that it’s Christmas, so we’ll have the peace talks at the President’s earliest convenience - which is now - in the name of goodwill to humankind.”

Josh softly says, “But my mom’s in town, and she baked pie.”

“You’re like a small child, Josh.”

“I have a weakness for pie.”

Toby checks his watch. “If this negotiation is anything like the last, we’ll be here for another two hours.”

“I can’t wait that long.”


“I’m a pie-aholic.”


like it? watch whereismytalent.

character: toby ziegler, rating: pg, character: josh lyman, fandom: the west wing, challenge: drabble123, fan fic

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