Famous Person Sighting

May 15, 2013 22:41

The Doctor took the time to stop over to Children's Book World in Haverford, PA tonight to meet a fan*, who made sure to point out that he was an enemy of the Daleks.** Doctor-approved.

*For those not in the know, that is Brandon Sanderson, the author of some really awesome books that EVERYONE needs to read.

**I had whipped out the Tiny TARDIS, and that prompted the story of how his 3-year-old son's nanny has taught him to say, "You're an enemy of the Daleks!" And how he calls Brandon that every time he's unhappy with something his Dad does. To sum Brandon up, he's awesome.

***And here's a shout-out to Lexie and Jennifer,**** who were standing in front of me in line. We got to talking, and it was instant kinship when we discovered a mutual love for YA fantasy and Sci-fi amongst other things. I've now got some awesome book recommendations to work on, and ways to stay in touch. AND they walked me back to my car so I wouldn't have to be in the dark by myself. You, ladies, are made of awesome! (I will link your sites later, when I'm not doing this from my phone.)

****They are what I love about books, or anything fandom-related in general. You have a deep love and passion for something else and all of a sudden you realize, "Hey! You like This Thing as much as I do too? Let's be friends!" And you connect with people you otherwise never would have known. Keep connecting with others over what you love. It makes the universe a much better place to live in.

via ljapp, tiny tardis travels

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