Dec 16, 2003 21:05
i just wrote a LOT of something and it's now GONE!
summary: i love NUEVO YORK! it's great that everything is within walking distance (at least in manhattan) and there is just SOO much to do. i'm not saying there ISN"T a lot to do in naples...but you don't have to get as creative. i still maintain that only boring people get bored.
liz came over today and never left...
and manny's article on mullets in then Cougar cronicle was just G damn hilarious! as "intersting" (at best) as the child is, props to "Mulletron Mannith"
i am quite in love with my L.A.M.B purse (created by Gwen stefani) love angel music baby.
HUGH!!! where are you!?!?!